Bibliography 2023 03 27T002251 232
Bibliography Primary Sources Hughes Fountain ??Index of Narratives ? University of Virginia June accessed on April http xroads virginia edu Hyper wpa hughes html Lynchburg City Va ??Bird Margaret F Free Negro Certi ?cate ? African American Narrative Digital Collection Richmond Library of Virginia Accessed April http digitool lva lib va us R I LRMLP AMDE T PTXVRP RD SH C M YXB RICCPUT - func results-jumpfull setentry setnumber base GEN - LVA Reynolds Mary ??Index of Narratives ? University of Virginia N A accessed on April http xroads virginia edu Hyper wpa reynold html Richmond City Va ??Frazer Elizabeth F Free Negro Register - ? African American Narrative Digital Collection N A Richmond Library of Virginia accessed April http digitool lva lib va us R HEQ ALKHL RSUK QIC LYFBBKTSN LQ CIQQEXTFKTGJYRB- func results- jumpfull setentry setnumber base GEN -LVA Richmond County Va ??Register of Colored Persons of Richmond Country State of Virginia cohabiting together as Husband and Wife on th February ? Cohabitation Registers Digital Collection Richmond Library of Virginia accessed April http digitool lva lib va us R RYIDE U SV QHQ EUUHMVAQFB CGULNBE EC N LEQFMYDU - func results- jumpfull setentry setnumber base GEN -LVA Williams Charley ??Born in Slavery Slave Narrative from the Federal Writers ? Project ? Voices and Faces from the Collection N A Library of Congress accessed April https memory loc gov ammem snhtml snvoices html Secondary Sources Moore John H ??Plantation Culture and the Expansion of Slavery Overview ? The American Mosaic The African American Experience N A accessed April http africanamerican abc-clio com ezproxy liberty edu Topics Display webSiteCode SLNAAEAC returnToPage fTopics fDisplay f token ACC E AE D B D casError False CO ? Neil Patrick W ??Bosses and Broomsticks Ritual and Authority in Antebellum Slave Weddings ? The Journal of Southern History February Accessed April http search proquest com ezproxy liberty edu docview accountid Snead David ??Antebellum Virginia Society ? Notes presented in class Lynchburg Virginia March Snead David ?? Virginia in the Antebellum Period ? Notes presented in class Lynchburg Virginia March C
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- Publié le Sep 24, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 30.9kB