Breeding guide CContents History of APHA The American Paint Horse Breeding Practices Live Cover Pasture Breeding Hand Breeding Arti ?cial Insemination Transported Cooled Semen Frozen Semen Transfers Embryo Transfer Oocyte Transfer Fertilized Egg Transfer

CContents History of APHA The American Paint Horse Breeding Practices Live Cover Pasture Breeding Hand Breeding Arti ?cial Insemination Transported Cooled Semen Frozen Semen Transfers Embryo Transfer Oocyte Transfer Fertilized Egg Transfer APHA Requirements on Transfers DNA Testing Parentage Veri ?cation Breeders Trust Methods to Breeding Horses Based on Pedigrees Outcrossing Linebreeding Inbreeding Craft or Science References For more information on the American Paint Horse Association and what it can o ?er you call - extension Visit APHA ? s o ?cial Web site at apha com CHistory of APHA The American Paint Horse Association has come a long way since its formation in With only a few hundred horses in the registry by the end of that year it has grown to more than American Paint Horses today APHA is recording these registrations at a rate of about each year making it one of the fastest-growing breed registries in the world Founded by horsemen and -women who loved the ability and speed of the Western stock-type horse but who also appreciated the extra eye-appeal of a colorful coat pattern APHA ? s heart lies in its members That is why the association strives to develop and sponsor programs that re ect their interests and their love of the American Paint Horse The American Paint Horse Both bloodline and color requirements determine a horse ? s eligibility for registration First a Paint ? s sire and dam must be registered with the American Paint Horse Association the American Quarter Horse Association or the Jockey Club Thoroughbreds Then depending on the amount of white present on the horse it is placed in one of two APHA registries Regular or Breeding Stock To be eligible for the Regular Registry the horse must exhibit a minimum amount of white hair over unpigmented skin within a prescribed zone and have at least one registered Paint parent The Breeding Stock registry is made up of those horses with at least one Paint parent but no qualifying white present on their coat Breeding Practices To be eligible for registration a foal must be produced by one of APHA ? s ?ve accepted breeding methods live cover arti ?cial insemination AI transported cooled semen frozen semen or embryo transfer Each of these breeding methods has its own set of rules and requirements that must be met for the resulting foal to qualify for registration Currently about percent of foals registered are conceived through live cover the oldest and perhaps simplest breeding method Another percent result from AI Transported cooled semen accounts for just over percent of registrations and less than percent result from embryo transfer or frozen semen Live Cover Live cover has a slightly better conception rate than do the other breeding methods However there is a greater chance of the mare and stallion causing injury to one another because of biting kicking or pawing The live cover breeding method is performed in two basic ways pasture breeding and hand breeding Pasture Breeding Using this method

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