Brochure handbook for tour guides pdf

See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Handbook for Tour Guides Book July CITATIONS READS author Nimit Chowdhary Indian Institute of Tourism and Trav ? PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from Nimit Chowdhary Retrieved on September C CTourism is becoming increasingly competitive Today countries states and regions compete with each other to create a superior tourist experience that can increase in ows of foreigners and locals A key factor in this e ?ort is to create a large resource base of professionally trained Tour Guides Although there are several institutional mechanisms available for training Tour Guides aspirants desirous of entering the profession have for long felt the need to possess a comprehensive handbook that can enhance their skills This handbook is therefore unique in its structure and content In addition to basic inputs required for becoming a successful Tour Guide it contains a wealth of knowledge on the hundreds of Do ? s and Don ? ts necessary to observe while guiding tourists Moreover though these guidelines have evolved over several years e ?orts to document them in a single source were missing THIS HANDBOOK IS A MUST FOR ANYONE INTERESTED IN GUIDING TOURISTS It addresses several critical and important aspects including What do tourists expect of a good Tour Guide What are the key roles and responsibilities of an e ?ective Tour Guide Preparations required before embarking on any tour Dynamics mechanisms and key aspects of tour guiding under di ?erent scenarios including traditional recent and emerging formats Tricks of the trade including handling of questions emergencies and di ?cult tourists All encompassing useful practical and skill-enhancing information for Tour Guides C publication Paperback pages ISBN - - - - Contents Foreword Preface Key terms Tour Guide training Summary of tour guiding resources Section A Introduction Introduction Role of a Tour Guide Tourist ?? the customer Section B Preparing to be a Tour Guide Steps to becoming a Tour Guide Presenting yourself Making sense of cultural di ?erences Section C Guiding a Tourist Group What is interpretation Dynamics of commentary Practical tips Mechanics of tour guiding Tools of the trade CSection D Guiding Scenarios General dos and don ? ts for tour guides Guiding on a walking tours Guiding on a coach Guiding at a museum Guiding at a religious place Guiding at an archaeological site Guiding on a nature walk Helping with transfers Section E Tricks of the Trade Handling di ?cult tourists Handling questions Handling emergencies Search for information Responsible guiding Section F Practical Information How to plan an itinerary Partners in business Setting up a tour guiding business Code of conduct for tour guides in India by MoT List of MoT GoI o ?ces and Tourism Departments of the states Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management IITTM Addresses of IITTM Centres WFTGA onPAlsvesaofaeaoisntlnreahdbbaiw ltueetrmlr- kiabtwaecusittutsrithivipoxneppletelusohiaesbfedfsleb iipnsrohsugoebkbrlssiosi tohoereksgrs hops CTGA and has been associated nd conducting numerous Tour researches on tour guiding at uto Tecnológico y de

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