Cattrysse patrick 1992 adaptation as translation

TARGET INTERNATIONJAOLURNAOL F TRANSLATIOSNTIJDIES Eorrons C r o r o NT o u n y TelAviv University lsrae l JosÉLnvernr KU Leuven Belgium EorronrmSrcnrrRny LtrveN D'HuLsr Llniversityof Antwerp Belgium Srylr Eorron Mtntnu SHrrstNcen Bar-tlantJniversityl srael EorronlnlBonno MnnrLvNCnoors-Ros Sr UNy BinghamtonU SA lrnvnnEveN-ZoH eTnelAviv IJniversity lsrael WrnNrnKor-rs nBergenN orway ReyvoNovANDENBnorcx KVHAntwerp Belgium INrrnHmoxll Aovlsony Bonno PierreBourdieu Paris EugenioCoseriu Tilbingen N i l sE r i kE n k v i s tH e l s i n k i A r m i n p a u lF r a n k ó í t i n g e n BrianHarris Ottawa R R KH artmann Exeter Theo Hermans London JulianeHouse Hamburg Dell Hymes Universityof Virginia Vladimir tvír Zigreb Kittyvan Leuven-Zwar ÍAmsterdamlA lbrechtNeubert Leipzig RolandPosner Berlin Mary Snell-Hornbveilrich M a r i oV a l d é s T o r o n t o Al r rlNo Scopr TARCETíocuseson the interrelationshipbsetweenthe positionof translating and translationisn culture the normsgoverningthem and the modesof perl formingtranslationp rocesseusndervariouscircumstancelst publisheos riginal tsrtaundsi el asot ifotnphreoobrleetmi csaanlm dectohropdoor al or geifcl eaacl nt idn gdveasr icorui psst iovcei -oe- xc pu ll at unraa' atlonprapytruoraeci nhteos t s s N - JOnNBENJAMTNpUS BLtSHtNCGOMPANY P O Box Amsteldij k ANAMSTERDA MHolland Tel F ax BethlehePmike PHILADELPHP Aa t usA Tel - Fax - Target - oJohnBenjaminsB V' Amsterdam Not to be reproducedin anyform without written permissionfrom the publisher' I Film Adaptation as Translation SomeMethodologicaPl roPosals Patricke? i I Abstract This paper proposes an application of some particular theories known as the 'polysystem' theories of trawlation to the study of ?lm adaptation A preliminary and experimental analysts of a series of ?lm adaptations made in the American ?lm noir of the sand sshows that this approach provides the basisfor a systematicand coherentmethod with theoreticalfoundations and that it permits the study of aspectsof ftlm adaptation which have been neglectedor ignored sofar Résumé L'article propose une application de quelques théoriesde la traduction spéci ?quesd ites'polysystémiques'à t'étude de I'adaptation ?lmíque une analysdeanpsrélelim ?límnainreoireat mexépriécraiminednetaslaendn'uénesc' o rpeut's d'apdearmpteattidoenscoftnlmstiaqtueerqsur'uénaelisaé s proche polysystémique du phénomène de l'adaptation ?lmique fournit les bases d'une méthode systématique cohérente et théoriquementfondée et qu'elle permet d'élargir le champ d'étude et d'examiner desaspectsde I'adaptation ?lmique négligésou ignorésiusqu'ici Introductory Note The followingmethodologicapl roposalsconcernthe study of ?lm in terms of translation This propositionis not presentedas a mere play on words nor is its intention polemical Film studiesand translationstudiesdo have di ?erentobjects of course However I think that an extensionof the concept of translation and an approachto the study of ?lm adaptation in terms of this extendedconceptcould provideus with new insightsinto the C PATRICK CATTRYSSE fwticcruoahannneldcsnfaerlaaIpmtmtsieopoennefwtastaorkcrlaphkon oafsltItlatarerawtsirnoiwnssnshlhaoo nolnaabtetrohiweoatnhntvesofeinhligmdinpreosamnunocindnnyddtlyarsamjfuanoosnsrtndlrgaaewntadihyou ft ttratihtheol ateshstneootoaTtruuiyrahdJgcneoyohhsfhfptliiseaidlrtmiroten ieojacenaenctoadttmifdhasoaepes wtlvtfefo iodooubfunnutosae-t dations known of a theory of ?lm adaptation particular theories of translation aspolysystem theorieswere tentatively adopted' The use of these tpbsp th ioroào eimtalnoyh tse rreyiceicrbnosto enpantcchlsdaaeeaiuurt inhssftorreeienaabd nmdlaecowift uhecnpsnasapiatdrlalulaloeesrac-erdo-- terize studies of ?lm adaptation as well a source-oriented approachwhere the focus is on the reconstruction of the source text and a'faithful' reconstruction at that apr aiy i oriexpe

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