Choc guide Moulding and Packaging Chocolates photo location A Guide for Teachers CContents Page Introduction Read this ?rst Using the ? PAC-IT Teacher Guide ? Pathways to moulding and packaging chocolates Moulding and packaging chocolate as a curriculum t
Moulding and Packaging Chocolates photo location A Guide for Teachers CContents Page Introduction Read this ?rst Using the ? PAC-IT Teacher Guide ? Pathways to moulding and packaging chocolates Moulding and packaging chocolate as a curriculum topic ?? Technology Science Mathematics English Social Studies The Arts Physical Education and Health About chocolate ?? History and production Kinds of chocolate summary diagram Melting and tempering chocolate Common problems when moulding chocolate Melting chocolate for moulding in a classroom Moulding chocolate ?? Moulding hints Using ready-made moulds Making your own moulds A Setting up B Forming moulds from plastic polymer sheet Safety notes Moulding problems Care of moulds Formers for making your own moulds Making chocolate shells for ?lling Fillings Making hollow chocolates Hygiene and food safety Hygiene Assessing risks HACCP Packaging individual ??gift ? chocolates Packaging ready-made chocolates Wrapping Decoration and labelling Nets for individual paper and paperboard packages ?? Package nets ?? Written illustrated and produced by Tony Mander June This support resource was jointly funded from the Minister for the Environment ? s Sustainable Management Fund administered by the Ministry for the Environment and from the Packaging Council of New Zealand This material may be freely used for any non-pro ?t purpose NESTLÉ is a registered trade mark of Société des Produits Nestlé S A Vevey ?? Switzerland and is used with their kind permission CMoulding and packaging chocolates A guide for teachers This column allows space for your own notes Introduction Read this ?rst Moulding and packaging chocolate is a popular technology activity in years ?? classes This resource aims to support teachers at these levels Moulding and packaging chocolate is authentic in that hand-made chocolates are still produced today by skilled chocolatiers and demonstrates the skills and knowledge required to produce a high-quality product Unless the teacher is a trained chocolatier in which case these notes are irrelevant the chocolates produced in a classroom are acceptable but can not be called ??high-quality hand-made chocolates ? as the facilities will be inadequate and there is insu ?cient time to acquire the required levels of skill experience and knowledge This is an important teaching point as pupils need to appreciate the depth of knowledge skills and experience required to produce a high-quality technological product This applies to most technology education activities as the goal is to generally educate and give pupils technological literacy not to produce speci ?cally skilled technologists This topic and its activities allow important concepts to be introduced or reinforced Although these notes are primarily intended to support further use of the ? PAC-IT Teacher Guide ? they introduce the whole process of moulding chocolate Basic information about chocolate and moulding it has been included because a product is needed for packaging and because it illustrates elements of technological practice No learning outcomes have been suggested as it is the professional task of teachers to de ?ne those best suited to their class over a range of learning areas Learning outcomes for technology education are generally
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- Publié le Dec 25, 2022
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