Prog guide 2 EXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide EXPRESS OLE DB LIBRARY User ? s Guide SYPRAM TECHNOLOGY Copyright ? Copyright ? Sypram Technology www sypram com CEXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide EXPRESS OLE DB LIBRARY USER ? S GUIDE EXPRESS OLEDB LI

EXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide EXPRESS OLE DB LIBRARY User ? s Guide SYPRAM TECHNOLOGY Copyright ? Copyright ? Sypram Technology www sypram com CEXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide EXPRESS OLE DB LIBRARY USER ? S GUIDE EXPRESS OLEDB LIBRARY AN OVERVIEW i THE DILEMMA OF DATA ACCESS a Native Library b ADO c OLE DB Consumer Templates ii INTRODUCTION TO EXPRESS OLE DB LIBRARY iii CLASS HIERARCHY a Operations classes b User Interface classes c Utility classes d Enhanced consume template classes iv LIMITATIONS v SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION AND SETUP i Installing the library ii Con ?guring Visual C iii Setup and testing GETTING STARTED i USING THE LIBRARY IN VISUAL C PROJECT ii USING THE CLASSES iii CONNECTING TO DATA SOURCES a Connecting to data source using standard properties i Connecting to a JET database ii Connecting to an SQL Server database iii Connecting to an ORACLE database iv Connecting to an ODBC data source b Connecting to data source using custom properties c Setting the connection timeout property d Using OLE DB service components iv WORKING WITH RECORDSETS a Opening a recordset b Cursor Locations c Navigating through rows d Fetching data Copyright ? Sypram Technology www sypram com CEXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide v INSERTING EDITING AND DELETING ROWS a Add new record b Editing a record c Deleting a record vi WORKING WITH BLOB DATA a Read BLOB value from database b Storing BLOB value in the database vii EXECUTING AN ACTION QUERY viii EXECUTING STORED PROCEDURES ix TRANSACTIONS CONTACT INFORMATION i GETTING MORE INFORMATION ii TECHNICAL SUPPORT Copyright ? Sypram Technology www sypram com CEXPRESS OLE DB Library User ? sGuide EXPRESS OLEDB LIBRARY AN OVERVIEW THE DILEMMA OF DATA ACCESS When it comes to choosing the right data access technology for application development most Visual C programmers face a puzzling set of choices Not only are these choices limited but also they are con icting in terms of performance requirement and ease of use Whether it is a stand-alone application a client server application or a web application a C programmer would never like to compromise the factors of decision such as performance speed and resource management The simple reason for this fact is the underlying tenet that the C programmers are supposed to churn out the smartest applications in the programming world Although the type and make of the database as well as the nature of application can largely in uence the decision it is not as easy as it seems Let us try to understand and analyze some of the most obvious data access choices Native Library Native libraries are supplied by many database vendors and they provide fastest data access for the respective databases However due to the well-known fact that the code written using a native library is not portable to other databases your application gets locked into the database vendor ? s technology Moreover each native library is totally di ?erent in

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