Ptgui guide PTGui Quick Guide For Stitching Microscope Images CPTGui ?? Quick Guide Georg von Arx A INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW PTGui www ptgui com is a commercial stitching tool for creating panorama images of large scenes taken with a camera on a tripod I

PTGui Quick Guide For Stitching Microscope Images CPTGui ?? Quick Guide Georg von Arx A INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW PTGui www ptgui com is a commercial stitching tool for creating panorama images of large scenes taken with a camera on a tripod In this application it has to deal with camera rotation and distortions caused by lens systems However with the appropriate settings and handling as described in this quick guide it is a great tool for creating mosaic images of microscopic samples too Usually the entire process is done fully automatic and batch processing of created project ?les is available to enhance e ?ciency Problematic samples may be manually edited if needed A great advantage of PTGui is the correction of any distortion caused by most microscope and camera lenses Accordingly the pixel unit-conversion does no more change from image centre to image periphery This is particularly valuable to avoid biases in quantitative image analysis Although I found PTGui extremely e ?cient reliable and just amazing for my purposes e g stitching microscopic mosaic images of more than sub-images I cannot guarantee equal success in any other application Index A Introduction and overview B Taking microscopic images C Installing PTGui D Setting up PTGui before getting started E Getting started st project F Creating projects nd and following projects G Eliminating distortions in single images H Calibrating the spatial scale pixel unit I Correcting registration errors J Batch processing stitching multiple images from projects K Image cropping removing dispensible image parts L Recommended computer performance M Questions B TAKING MICROSCOPIC IMAGES ? Make sure sub-images overlap by at least - ? Avoid rotation of the sample while shifting it on the light or object table Use an X Y-stage if available ? Keep exposure time and all other sensitivity settings constant for all sub-images of a sample CPTGui ?? Quick Guide Georg von Arx C INSTALLING PTGUIDownload full licensed version from http www ptgui com download html Run PTGui installer Launch PTGui you will be asked to provide the license information to activate the full version exit PTGui when ?nished Download Smartblend-plugin from http www ptgui com plugins html Unzip the Smartblend-plugin folder and move it inside the PTGui program folder Download the Autopano-plugin from http autopano kolor com autopano v zip Unzip the Autopano-plugin folder and move it inside the PTGui program folder You may want to create a desktop shortcut for PTGui and for the batch stitcher RunStitcher exe within PTGui program folder Smartblend evens out slight illumination heterogeneities between the stitched images it also deals with slight parallax-issues when moving the sample around parallax shift of an object against the background that is caused by a change in the observer's position Autopano is an alternative plugin tool for ?nding control points Sometimes it performs better than the PTGui algorithms Cf I CORRECTING REGISTRATION ERRORS D SETTING UP PTGUI BEFORE GETTING STARTED - Navigate to Tools Options General-Tab ? Check Automatically set panorama ?lename upon ?rst saving of

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