Cleveland technicians service guide
Technician ? s Service Guide AWBTSG - CClelevevlaenldand WWhheeelse lsBr akeBs rakes Guide AWBTSG - USA Reference Publication Number AWBTSG - USA AWBTSG Issue Dated July IMPORTANT NOTE Use of other manufacturer ? s components with original Cleveland wheel and brake assemblies will void the Cleveland Wheels Brakes warranty SAFETY WARNING FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE This document and other information from Parker Hanni ?n Corporation its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems the user through its own analysis and testing is solely responsible for making the ?nal selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance safety and warning requirements of the application are met The products described herein including without limitation product features speci ?cations designs availability and pricing are subject to change by Parker Hanni ?n Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice CONTACT INFORMATION Cleveland Wheels Brakes Center Road ? Avon Ohio www clevelandwheelsandbrakes com www parker com E- mail clevelandwbhelp parker com Customer Support Fax - - Technical Service Hotline - -BRAKING - - - Literature Requests - - ? ? Parker Hanni ?n Corporation Cleveland Wheels Brakes i Guide AWBTSG - USA Reference USAGE The procedures in this technician ? s guide are applicable to external design wheels and brakes and auxilliary wheels only Many wheel and brake assemblies have a manual expressly written for their overhaul and maintenance type activities Before using this guide consult the Cleveland Wheels Brakes Technical Support Team for availability of those manuals This guide is intended as a condensed version of speci ?c data found in AWBCMM the generic Component Maintenance Manual external design wheels brakes AWBCMM contains detailed maintenance overhaul procedures for external design wheels brakes that do not have a manual In addition to this guide and AWBCMM refer to AWBPC Product Catalog for illustrated parts breakdown These documents are intended to supplement not replace the airframe manufacturer ? s instructions when Cleveland products are used Consult the Aircraft Maintenance Manual and Airframe Log Books for optional installations to con ?rm the approved part numbers for the particular aircraft application If any inconsistencies are observed in this data please notify Cleveland Wheels Brakes Customer Support UPDATES The technician ? s guide publication number will re ect the latest issue in e ?ect with a su ?x ??-X ? X being the latest issue e g AWBTSG - The publication number will advance numerically with each update issued Each page will re ect the latest issue in e ?ect Refer to the Revisions Highlights Page in
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- Publié le Mai 09, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 119kB