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News http seriousseekers com News and Articles article tompkins Home Teachers and Books and Audio and Contributors Reviews Video News and Articles Discussion Section Contact us Purchases Literature Resources Prose Poetry and Events and Thought Browse by Category Search the Site What is the David Library Newsletter The Wisdom Eaters by Ptolemy Tompkins Reprinted with permission of Lapis Magazine In our culture the elders are missing ?? Louise Cards Mahdi Recently I watched a video called Timothy Leary's Last Trip a documentary by A J Caroline and O B Babbs the son of Merry Prankster Ken Babbs The ?lm covered the usual territory from Learys days at Harvard to the house at Millbrook New York weaving in the Merry Pranksters and the Further Bus Along the Way The climax of the video was a ?nal meeting between Leary and Kesey on a new plane of existence ??a place their wildest trips in the ' s never imagined cyberspace The cyberspace meeting when it ?nally arrived was a fascinating disappointment Leary and Kesey anked by their supporters camera crew and assorted hangers-on stared at each other's image in their computer screens and traded weak congratulations at having brought the event o ? Leary was close to death ??he would die just three weeks later ??and clearly not as sanguine about this fact as his con ?dent talk about Ultimate Trips and such not tried to suggest Kesey's bright spirits meanwhile seemed equally forced The event advertised so hopefully by the ?lm's narrator as a meeting at the wild fringes of psyche and science had at moments the avor of a phone conversation between two legionnaires no longer healthy enough to meet up and reminisce in person When Leary at a certain point in the proceedings uttered his familiar cry of further further further the words had a painfully empty ring to them In A Guide for the Perplexed E F Schumacher's great attempt at summarizing the collective wisdom of the pre- modern world and making its imperatives intelligible to modern readers he wrote that it may conceivably be possible to live without churches but it is not possible to live without religion that is without systematic work to keep in contact with and develop toward Higher Levels than those of ? ordinary life ? with all its pleasure or pain sensation grati ?cation re ?nement or crudity ??whatever it may be The modern experiment to live without religion has failed and once we have understood this we know what our post modern' tasks really are of AM CNews http seriousseekers com News and Articles article tompkins The ?rst among those tasks Schumacher made clear is to recover a series of genuine maps-fortransformed-living maps which allow people today ?? especially young people ??to change themselves in deep and lasting ways and attain to those further dimensions of human experience that Leary showed himself to be so keenly if ine ?ectually concerned with Schumacher wrote A Guide for the Perplexed in the late

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