Luxi user x27 s guide Light Meter Attachment for Smartphones and Tablets USER ? S GUIDE CTABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Getting Started Attaching Luxi to Your Mobile Device Installing a Light Meter Application Preparation and App Settings Calibrating the

Light Meter Attachment for Smartphones and Tablets USER ? S GUIDE CTABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Getting Started Attaching Luxi to Your Mobile Device Installing a Light Meter Application Preparation and App Settings Calibrating the Luxi Application Calibration Procedure Setting Up For Use Without a Luxi Clip Using the Luxi App Spot-Metering Mode iOS Only Luxi Mode Locking Unlocking Setting Exposure Parameters Setting Your Camera ? s Exposure We ? re Here To Help CIntroduction Thank you for your purchase of Luxi the ?rst light meter for everyone Luxi works with the frontfacing camera of your mobile device and a light-metering app see our Web site for an updated list of compatible applications to take incident light readings The app uses these readings to suggest the optimal settings for your DSLR or other camera in whatever lighting situation you might be shooting in It ? s just like having a fully featured standalone light meter in your pocket at all times ??but at a fraction of the cost We designed Luxi to be easy to use but we know that the concept of using a light meter is new to many people and it can seem a little daunting at ?rst In this guide we ? ll walk you through the basics of using Luxi to take great photographs and we ? ll o ?er a few helpful tips along the way If at any time you have questions or suggestions you are welcome to contact us at admin esdevices com and we ? ll do our best to point you in the right direction We love hearing from our customers so don ? t hesitate to drop us a line CGetting Started Attaching Luxi to Your Mobile Device Luxi is designed to clip directly onto the top edge of your device with the white di ?usion dome ?tting directly over the front-facing camera Several models of Luxi are available you ? ll want to ensure that you have selected the model appropriate for your device Luxi For All works with nearly all iOS and Android devices while the older models are suited only for use with iPhones s or they are labeled as such anywhere they are sold If in doubt select Luxi For All FIG Luxi For All on an Android smartphone CInstalling a Light Meter Application Luxi works in concert with a smartphone application to take readings of incident light and then to suggest the optimal camera settings for a given lighting situation There are many light meter apps on the App Store and or Google Play though several of them have been written with direct support for Luxi For the purposes of this guide we will focus upon the Luxi application itself though many of the core principles we ? ll discuss will apply to the use of third-party applications such as the iOS app Pocket Light Meter to give one such example FIG Luxi on the iOS App Store The Luxi app can be downloaded from

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