Diffusion coefficient perry

- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA TABLE - Di ?usivities of Pairs of Gases and Vapors atm Dv in cm s Substance Temp C Air A H O N CO Acetic acid Acetone n-Amyl alcohol sec-Amyl alcohol Amyl butyrate Amyl formate i-Amyl formate Amyl isobutyrate Amyl propionate Aniline Anthracene Argon Benzene Benzidine Benzyl chloride n-Butyl acetate i-Butyl acetate n-Butyl alcohol i-Butyl alcohol Butyl amine i-Butyl amine i-Butyl butyrate i-Butyl formate i-Butyl isobutyrate i-Butyl proprionate i-Butyl valerate Butyric acid i-Butyric acid Cadmium Caproic acid i-Caproic acid Carbon dioxide Carbon disul ?de Carbon monoxide Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroform Chloropicrin m-Chlorotoluene o-Chlorotoluene p- Chlorotoluene Cyanogen chloride Cyclohexane n-Decane Diethylamine - Dimethyl butane Diphenyl n-Dodecane Ethane Ethanol Ether diethyl Ethyl acetate Ethyl alcohol Ethyl benzene Ethyl n-butyrate Ethyl i-butyrate Ethylene Ethyl formate Ethyl propionate Ethyl valerate Eugenol Formic acid Helium n-Heptane n-Hexane Hexyl alcohol Hydrogen ?? ?? N O CH C H ?? ? C H n-C H i-C H Ref CTRANSPORT PROPERTIES - TABLE - Di ?usivities of Pairs of Gases and Vapors atm Concluded Dv in cm s Substance Temp C Air A H O N CO N O CH Hydrogen cyanide Hydrogen peroxide Iodine Mercury Mesitylene Methane Methyl acetate Methyl alcohol Methyl butyrate Methyl i-butyrate Methyl cyclopentane Methyl formate Methyl propionate Methyl valerate Naphthalene Nitrogen Nitrous oxide n-Octane Oxygen Phosgene Propionic acid Propyl acetate n-Propyl alcohol i-Propyl alcohol n-Propyl benzene i- Propyl benzene n-Propyl bromide i-Propyl bromide Propyl butyrate Propyl formate n-Propyl iodide i-Propyl iodide n-Propyl isobutyrate i-Propyl isobutyrate Propyl propionate Propyl valerate Safrol i-Safrol Sulfur hexa uoride Toluene Trimethyl carbinol -Trimethyl pentane - Trimethyl heptane n-Valeric acid i-Valeric acid Water mmHg ?? atm ?? Also at other temperatures ? Strong function of concentration References Amdur Irvine Mason and Ross J Chem Phys Boyd Stein Steingrimsson and Rumpel J Chem Phys Cummings and Ubbelohde J Chem Soc London p Fairbanks and Wilke Ind Eng Chem Gilliland Ind Eng Chem Gorynnova and Kuvskinskii Zhur Tekh Fiz Hansen Dissertation Jena International Critical Tables vol p Je ?ries and Drickamer J Chem Phys Klotz and Miller J Am Chem Soc McMurtrie and Keyes J Am Chem Soc Mullaly and Jacques Phil Mag Spier Physica Topley and Whytlaw-Gray Phil Mag Trautz and Ludwig Ann Physik Trautz and Muller Ann Physik Trautz and Ries Ann Physik Walker and Westenberg J Chem Phys Westenberg and Walker J Chem Phys Winkelmann Wied Ann C H C H n-C H i-C H Ref C - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA In this table are a representative selection of di ?usion coe ?cients The subsection ??Prediction and Correlation of Physical Properties ? should be consulted for estimation techniques As general references the works by Hirschfelder Curtiss and Bird Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids Wiley New York Chapman and Cowling The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases Cambridge New York Reid and Sherwood The Properties of Gases and Liquids McGraw-Hill New York and Bretsznajder Prediction of Transport and Other Physical Properties of Fluids Pergamon New York may be found useful The most exhaustive

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