Driver guide 3 Missouri Driver Guide A guide to understanding Missouri Motor Vehicle Laws and Licensing Requirements Revised August Table of Contents Chapter ?? The Missouri Driver License Page Chapter ?? The Driver Examination Page Chapter ?? Rules of th

Missouri Driver Guide A guide to understanding Missouri Motor Vehicle Laws and Licensing Requirements Revised August Table of Contents Chapter ?? The Missouri Driver License Page Chapter ?? The Driver Examination Page Chapter ?? Rules of the Road Page Chapter ?? Sharing the Road Page Chapter ?? Parking Page Chapter ?? Highway Driving Page Chapter ?? Pavement Markings Tra ?c Signs and Signals Page Chapter ?? Safe Driving Tips For Everyday Driving Page Chapter ?? Safe Driving Tips For Special Driving Conditions Page Chapter ?? Alcohol Drugs and Driving Page Chapter ?? The Point System Page Chapter ?? Vehicle Titling and Registration Page Chapter ?? Mandatory Insurance Page Chapter ?? Safety and Emissions Inspections Required Equipment Page Chapter ?? Commercial Vehicles Page Index Page Contact Information Page Note The state motor vehicle laws described in this manual are not reproduced in their entirety and the wording is not identical Due to possible federal and state law changes and Department of Revenue Department policy the information in this manual may not always be current The Department will make every e ?ort to incorporate any changes as soon as possible Please visit our website for the most current version The Missouri Driver Guide is published by the Missouri Department of Revenue Carefully studying the Missouri Driver Guide will increase your driving con ?dence and broaden your knowledge of Missouri tra ?c laws The more knowledge you have the safer you are To test your knowledge of tra ?c laws you will need to take a written test of multiple-choice questions Studying this guide will prepare you for that test You must correctly answer questions to pass the test All of the test questions come directly from information found in this guide There are no ??trick ? questions To test your ability to drive a vehicle you must take a driving skills test Your examiner realizes a driving test will probably be an unusual experience for you and you might even become nervous or uneasy If you do become nervous or fearful please remember your examiner has accompanied many other people exactly like you and the examiner rides with you only to make sure you can control your vehicle and observe the rules of safety Your examiner will not try to trick you in any way Remember that thousands of people pass this test every year and become licensed drivers If they can do it so can you Just relax and do the best you can We would like to hear your comments and questions about the material included in this manual Address Driver License Bureau P O Box Je ?erson City MO - Telephone - Fax - E-Mail dlbmail dor mo gov Website http dor mo gov The names and telephone numbers of other related agencies and o ?ces are located on the last page of this guide The Missouri Commercial Driver License Manual and Motorcycle Operator Manual are posted on our website at http dor mo gov You may also request

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