Emergency assessorguide NABH-AG EAF Assessor guide For Certi ?cation of Emergency Department in Hospital Issue No Issue Date June Page of CAssessor Guide for Emergency Certi ?cation Program Introduction Certi ?cation of Emergency Department in hospital is
NABH-AG EAF Assessor guide For Certi ?cation of Emergency Department in Hospital Issue No Issue Date June Page of CAssessor Guide for Emergency Certi ?cation Program Introduction Certi ?cation of Emergency Department in hospital is an opportunity to defeat the challenges and create standards and processes to make sure the patients in emergency get the quality acute care he or she deserves The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers NABH provides third-party compliance certi ?cation to emergency department in hospitals The on-site assessment is carried out by a team of NABH empaneled Assessor s The assessment is carried out systematically for comprehensive review of the quality and operational systems within the emergency department in hospitals The objective evidence so collected forms the basis for arriving at a judgment for recommendation by the assessor This guide has been prepared based on the general practices followed by international bodies and the experience of experts of the country This document accordingly aims to a Provide the guidance to the Assessors during the assessment b Ensure uniformity of assessment and reporting and c Eliminate ambiguities or doubts about the interpretation of requirements s Role of Assessment Team The role of NABH Assessment team is to conduct on-site assessment of emergency department in hospital and provide the report to NABH The objective of the on-site assessment is to obtain evidence on compliance with respect to NABH emergency certi ?cation standards applicable laws and regulations Since certi ?cation of emergency department in hospital requires compliance with NABH empanelment Criteria The assessment team should consider conformances against these standards in the assessment Thus the member s of the assessment team would be required to exercise their scienti ?c judgmental skill and form their opinion regarding extent of conformance with respect to accreditation criteria Notwithstanding the strength of the NABH system the success of the certi ?cation scheme depends on the assessment team who performs on-site assessment and thus plays a vital role in determining the credibility and value of accreditation The assessment team consists primarily of Principal Assessor and Assessor Team members are required to maintain the con ?dentiality on the matters subjects related to the organization Issue No Issue Date June Page of CAssessor Guide for Emergency Certi ?cation Program Role of Principal Assessor PA Before the start of Assessment the Principal Assessor should prepare an Assessment schedule in EAF which should include the sections areas activities to be assessed and assignment to co- assessors based on their expertise The schedule shall be presented to the hospital ED representative The hospital will be requested to assign guide cocoordinator to accompany each assessor during the assessment The Principal Assessor must review the emergency department ? s documented Management System to verify compliance with the requirements of NABH certi ?cation standards He she should assess that the documented Management System is indeed implemented e ?ective as described and record observations in EAF All Non-Conformance s must be identi ?ed and reported separately on each sheet in
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- Publié le Dec 06, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 44.6kB