Etymological dictionary of hungarian
Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian EDH BY PROF DR ALFRÉD TÓTH Mikes International The Hague Holland CALFRÉD TÓTH ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF HUNGARIAN EDH Kiadó 'Stichting MIKES INTERNATIONAL' alapítvány Hága Hollandia Számlaszám Postbank rek nr Cégbejegyzés Stichtingenregister S Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Den Haag Terjesztés A k? nyv a k? vetkez Internet-címr l t? lthet le http www federatio org mikesbibl html Aki az email-levelezési listánkon kíván szerepelni a k? vetkez címen iratkozhat fel mikesint-subscribe yahoogroups com A kiadó nem rendelkezik anyagi forrásokkal T? bbek áldozatos munkájából és adományaiból tartja fenn magát Adományokat szívesen fogadunk Cím A szerkeszt ség illetve a kiadó elérhet a k? vetkez címeken Email mikes int federatio org Levelezési cím P O Box HE Den Haag Hollandia Publisher Foundation 'Stichting MIKES INTERNATIONAL' established in The Hague Holland Account Postbank rek nr Registered Stichtingenregister S Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Den Haag Distribution The book can be downloaded from the following Internet- address http www federatio org mikesbibl html If you wish to subscribe to the email mailing list you can do it by sending an email to the following address mikesint-subscribe yahoogroups com The publisher has no ?nancial sources It is supported by many in the form of voluntary work and gifts We kindly appreciate your gifts Address The Editors and the Publisher can be contacted at the following addresses Email mikes int federatio org Postal address P O Box HE Den Haag Holland ISSN - ISBN- - - - - NUR ? Mikes International - Alfréd Tóth All Rights Reserved ? Copyright Mikes International - Alfréd Tóth II - CALFRÉD TÓTH ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF HUNGARIAN EDH PUBLISHER ? S PREFACE Mikes International is pleased to publish this Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian electronically written by Professor Alfréd Tóth thus making it available to everyone in the world This is the ?rst edition of the author ? s life-work on which he worked years The Hague Holland January MIKES INTERNATIONAL ? Copyright Mikes International - Alfréd Tóth III - CALFRÉD TÓTH ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF HUNGARIAN EDH CONTENTS Publisher ? s preface ? ? III Foreword Introduction into Sumerian-Hungarian research Is there a Finno-Ugric or Uralic language family Comparing Hungarian etymologies from standard etymological dictionaries Sumerian and Hungarian Hungarian and the other Finno-Ugric languages Caucasian and Hungarian Bantu and Hungarian Etruscan and Hungarian Tibeto- Burman and Hungarian Munda languages and Hungarian Dravidian languages and Hungarian Chinese and Hungarian Japanese and Hungarian Turkish and Hungarian Austronesian and Hungarian Mayan languages and Hungarian Conclusions Index of the Hungarian and other words Index of the Sumerian words About the author ? Copyright Mikes International - Alfréd Tóth IV - CALFRÉD TÓTH ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF HUNGARIAN EDH Foreword Foreword This ??Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian ? ?? for which I propose the abbreviation ??EDH ? ?? is based on the assumption that the Hungarian Magyar language is the direct successor of Sumerian With this assumption ?? for which the present author is convinced that there is enough evidence cf Chapters and - EDH strongly
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- Publié le Fev 12, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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