Ewe language guide Basic Ewe For Travellers This is a brief introduction to Ewe pronounced E e a voiced ? f ? which is a language spoken in the Volta Region of Ghana Togo Benin and part of Nigeria The speakers can be found at every corner of the remaining

Basic Ewe For Travellers This is a brief introduction to Ewe pronounced E e a voiced ? f ? which is a language spoken in the Volta Region of Ghana Togo Benin and part of Nigeria The speakers can be found at every corner of the remaining regions of Ghana and consists of about million people which represents of the Ghanaian population This introduction contains basic instruction about pronunciation and important words and phrases When volunteering and travelling in Ghana the ability to communicate in Ewe will greatly enhance your experience Even if you do not plan on studying the language in-depth we strongly suggest learning and using basic greetings and phrases The locals will greatly appreciate your e ?orts and will be all the more welcoming to you during your stay If you would like to complete a beginning course in Ewe there is a self-study book Language Guide Ewe version by Bureau of Ghana languages or contact a language scholar who may be of assistance PRONUNCIATION Ewe is generally written in the Latin script which is also used to write many other languages including English There are characters in Ewe of which are also found in the English language The letters c j and q are not found in Ewe They are replaced by k dz and kw respectively There are seven letters in the Ewe language that are not found in English These include and VOWELS There are vowels in Ewe They are a e i o and u i ? a ? sounds like ? a ? in mall ii ? e ? sounds like ? a ? in get iii ? ? sounds like ? e ? in men but dragged iv ? i ? sounds like ? ee ? in feet v ? o ? sounds like ? o ? in goal vi ? ? sounds like ? o ? in cost vii ? u ? sounds like ? oo ? in cool e g ta ?? to crawl e g ge ?? to drop e g n ?? to him e g si ?? to run away e g to ?? to pound e g l ?? to collect e g tu ?? to close The vowels can also be pronounced nasally by breathing the letter through the nose and it is indicated by a tilde over the letter Vowels can also be short or long A single letter will indicate short vowels while long vowels will be indicated by a double letter e g ? a ? vs ? aa ? CONSONANTS Generally Ewe consonants are pronounced the same as in English however there are several unique sounds i b ? b ? as in bat x p ? p ? as in pin ii d ? d ? as in dog xi r ? r ? as in rabbit iii f ? f ? as in fun xii s ? s ? as in sit iv g ? g ? as

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