Excel shortcut guide FORMATTING Bold Italic Underline Format Box Copy Paste Paste Only Formats Paste Only Formulas Paste Only Values Cut Repeat Undo Delete cell contents Delete all cell attributes Delete cell comment Outline border Remove border Insert a
FORMATTING Bold Italic Underline Format Box Copy Paste Paste Only Formats Paste Only Formulas Paste Only Values Cut Repeat Undo Delete cell contents Delete all cell attributes Delete cell comment Outline border Remove border Insert a comment Merge and center Align Left BOOK NAVIGATION Switch excel books Split Screen Freeze pane New workbook Print Open workbook Save workbook Activate menu bar Min Restore Ribbon Print Preview Close window Close program OTHER USEFUL Excel Options Recalculate all Get inside a drop-down Enter array formula Insert pivot table Insert data table Sort a table Auto ?lter selection Record a Macro Open border menu CTRL B CTRL I CTRL U CTRL CTRL C CTRL V ALT E S T ALT E S F ALT E S V CTRL X CTRL Y CTRL Z Delete ALT H E A ALT H E M SHIFT CTRL SHIFT CTRL SHIFT F ALT H M C ALT H A L CTRL TAB ALT W S ALT W F F CTRL N CTRL P CTRL O CTRL S ALT or F CTRL F CTRL F CTRL F ALT F ALT F T F ALT up down arrow SHIFT CTRL Enter ALT N V ALT D T ALT D S ALT A T ALT L R ALT H B DATA EDITING Fill Down Fill Right Find Replace Flash Fill Edit Cells Autosum Anchor ?? ?x ? cells Cancel a cell entry Increase decimal Decrease decimal TAB NAVIGATION Move Copy a tab Change tab name Moving within tabs Insert worksheet ROWS COLUMNS Select column Select row Delete row column Add row column Group ungroup rows Fit column width CELL NAVIGATION Go to end of range Select a cell range Highlight range Move to beginning Move to cell ??A ? Move to cell above Move to cell right Show formulas Fill selection w entry EXTRA USEFUL Trace Precedents Trace Dependents Remove Traces Go to Precedent Go to Dependent Switch between menu Apply currency format CTRL D CTRL R CTRL F CTRL H CTRL E F ALT ?? ? F ESC ALT H ALT H ALT H O M ALT H O R CTRL Pg Up Down ALT I W CTRL Space Shift Space CTRL ? minus sign ? CTRL Shift ? plus ? SHIFT ALT left right ALT H O I CTRL arrow keys Shift arrow keys SHIFT CTRL arrow Home CTRL Home SHIFT ENTER TAB CTRL CTRL Enter ALT T U T ALT T U D ALT T U A CTRL CTRL F CTRL SHIFT C
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Apv 27, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 24.4kB