Guide 2023 05 30T035042 776

Prepared by Mr Mitch Peh Hp www jcpcme com Prepared and Compiled by Mr Mitch Peh Hp www jcpcme com CPrepared by Mr Mitch Peh Hp www jcpcme com Foreword Greetings JC Project Work Students Hope this guide will ?nd you well This guide is written personally by me a former MOE JC tutor and lecturer with the intention of making your journey in JC H Project Work smoother easier and more e ?cient in terms of brainstorming for your Group Project topics and writing your Written Reports After reading my guide you would hopefully make less detours understand the requirements necessary to score for the subject better and achieve the desired ? A ? grade that you want Let me start o ? by putting the record straight Project Work was not the subject that I wanted to teach but when I was tasked to do it in the College I did my absolute best I was constantly thinking about how I can help my students pen down the best written reports deliver the perfect oral presentations and write an impressive Insights and Re ections assignment In my ?rst year teaching the subject my class has managed to achieve close to ? A ? s In fact one of the Written Reports was chosen to be the exemplar report of the year However I did not want to rest on my laurels and I thought to myself How can I help the next batch of students to deliver even better and more impressive results The measures I took include spending hours in the College library dissecting the exemplar reports from other years analysing their strengths and sharing this acquired knowledge back in my classrooms which you will soon ?nd out in my guide In addition I learn from the very best Project Work tutors in the college observed their lessons took note of their best practices and thinking processes so that I can infuse them as part of my very own teaching practices as well So Kudos to them for kindly sharing their experience and knowledge with me To put it simply my goal was to help the next batch of students achieve ? A ? s in this subject In the end I fell a little short with over ? A ? s as student in the class did not manage to get that elusive ? A ? grade in PW Nevertheless I was still very happy that I can help most of my students to reach or even exceed their potential Given that I am currently no longer a Project Work tutor with MOE there is no point for me to conceal all the knowledge and keep the trade secrets to myself Thus I would like to share with all of you the pointers and tips which can possibly help you in this journey so that your struggles can be as painless as possible in this rite of passage for all JC A Level students Now that

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