
Documents taguées (7)

virtualbox : langue L='fr' && sudo sed -i 's/XKBLAYOUT=\"\w*"/XKBLAYOUT=\"'$L'\ 0 0
Cracking guide 1 Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and In 0 0
Cracking guide Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and Info 0 0
Cracking guide Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and Info 0 0
Cracking guide 1 Cracking Money Making Guide v Thanks for purchasing this guide This guide is split up into the following sections Introduction Key Terms used in the Community Key Programs Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking and In 0 0
Memo Ping ip a donne l'adresse ip de la machine - ping ping sur les serveur de google et voit si on est connecte - ping adresse ip ping sur une adresse ip Demarrage de Apache et Mysql service apache start - service mysql start nmap nmap adresse ip scan un 0 0
Comande kali virtualbox langue L 'fr' sudo sed -i 's XKBLAYOUT w XKBLAYOUT ' L' g' etc default keyboard regler le shell python -c 'import pty pty spawn bin bash ' export TERM xterm cewl http sort Bureau fsocity dic uniq passwords txt w suprimer d oublons 0 0