Interview guide 4 THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL INTERVIEWING FOR NURSING STUDENTS AND ALUMNI Mary M Somers Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Baltimore Maryland Copyright by Mary M Somers CThis information guide may be forwarded or photocopied
THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL INTERVIEWING FOR NURSING STUDENTS AND ALUMNI Mary M Somers Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Baltimore Maryland Copyright by Mary M Somers CThis information guide may be forwarded or photocopied in full with copyright contact creation information intact without speci ?c permission when used in a not-for-pro ?t format If any other use is desired permission Mary M Somers msomers son jhmi edu is required CTable of Contents The Purpose of an Interview Preparing for the Interview Know your goals and what you can contribute Research the hiring organization Know your worth Review your resume Practice your responses to interview questions Be cognizant of illegal interview questions Prepare your own questions for the interviewer Know your interviewer s and meeting locations Remember the basics Types of Interviews Screening interview Selection interview Series interview Panel interview Structure of the Interview Establishing rapport Information exchange The Close CTable of Contents continued After the Interview Summary Bibliography References for Additional Reading C THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO INTERVIEWING Congratulations You ? ve written a strong resume You ? ve identi ?ed the healthcare organizations in which you would like to work You know what specialty is of greatest interest to you And you ? ve been sending out resumes It has all ?nally paid o ? You have been called for an interview In fact giving the critical nursing shortage you may have several interviews ahead So it ? s time to prepare You ? ll want to accomplish two things during your interviews First you should evaluate if this is an organization in which you would like to work and second you must convince the interviewer that you are fully quali ?ed for the position you are seeking If there is one thing to remember about interviews it ? s this ?? the potential employer believes from reading your resume that you have the minimum quali ?cations for this position It is believed that you can do this job That realization should boost your con ?dence So now it ? s time to press your interviewing suit research the organization and do anything else that will demonstrate you are the best quali ?ed candidate for the job you are seeking How can you ensure that you will demonstrate your relevant skills How can you help your potential employer realize that you are the best ?t for this job The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of interviewing help you prepare for the interview process and o ?er tips for success THE PURPOSE OF AN INTERVIEW According to Richard Bolles the purpose of an interview is as follows ? For the employer to ?gure out whether you will be part of the solution or just another part of the problem You will see immediately what a switch this is from the way most job-hunters approach an employer ??How much do you pay and how much time o ? will I have ? Will he or she
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- Publié le Dec 26, 2021
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