Guide to solidworks Beginner ? s Guide to SolidWorks ?? Level II NEW Level II with Advanced topics to prepare for the Certi ?ed SolidWorks Associate Exam Sheet Metal Molds Surfacing Weldments Multi Bodies and more ? Alejandro Reyes MSME Certi ?ed SolidWor

Beginner ? s Guide to SolidWorks ?? Level II NEW Level II with Advanced topics to prepare for the Certi ?ed SolidWorks Associate Exam Sheet Metal Molds Surfacing Weldments Multi Bodies and more ? Alejandro Reyes MSME Certi ?ed SolidWorks Professional SDC PUBLICATIONS www SDCpublications com Schro ? Development Corporation CBeginner's Guide to SolidWorks ?? Level II Multi Body Parts As we stated earlier multi body parts allow us to do certain operations that would be di ?cult to accomplish with a single body part First we ? ll talk about how to make multi body parts and after that how to use them ?? Multi body parts are made by adding material that is not connected to the current solid that is purposely not merged to it or by splitting an existing body To show this make a new part and add a sketch to the Front plane as shown We will not worry about dimensions here as we are just illustrating the concept of how multi bodies work ?? Select the ??Boss Extrude ? command Notice that we are not given a warning about having two separate bodies it just works Extrude any size that looks similar to the following image dimensions are not important at this time and click OK to ?nish Making two or more extruded revolved swept lofted features would work just the same The ?rst thing we notice is a new folder in the FeatureManager called ??Solid Bodies ? This folder is automatically added when SolidWorks detects multiple disjointed bodies in a part and lists the number of bodies found in the part in this case If we expand the folder we can see the two bodies in our part listed under it The important thing to know and remember is that multi body parts are not to be confused or used as an assembly parts and assemblies have signi ?cant di ?erences and each serves a di ?erent purpose A multi body part is used mostly as a means to an end CBeginner's Guide to SolidWorks ?? Level II ?? The next step is to add a new feature When working in a multi body part we can make ? local ? operations for example a shell feature a ?ecting only one body Select the ??Shell ? command from the Features toolbar and shell the bottom body as indicated ?? Select the Fillet command and round two corners to the top body as shown To help the reader understand the concept of local operations better ??local ? means that we can add applied features features that don't require a sketch like Shell Fillet Chamfer Draft etc to each body separately Notice the name of a body changes to the last feature applied to it CBeginner's Guide to SolidWorks ?? Level II ?? When working with multi body parts adding more features automatically selects existing bodies to modify this is the default behavior Optionally we can select which bodies to ??merge ? or fuse

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