Guide to skepticism The Scienti ?c Guide to Global Warming Skepticism John Cook skepticalscience com CAcknowledgements The Scienti ?c Guide to Global Warming Skepticism was written by John Cook www skepticalscience com Acknowledgements to the following wh

The Scienti ?c Guide to Global Warming Skepticism John Cook skepticalscience com CAcknowledgements The Scienti ?c Guide to Global Warming Skepticism was written by John Cook www skepticalscience com Acknowledgements to the following who contributed and commented on this document ? Dr John Abraham Associate Professor of Engineering University of St Thomas St Paul Minnesota ? Paul Beckwith Laboratory for paleoclimatology and climatology Department of Geography University of Ottawa Canada ? Prof Andrew Dessler Department of Atmospheric Science Texas A M University ? Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg Director Global Change Institute University of Queensland ? Prof David Karoly School of Earth Sciences University of Melbourne ? Prof Scott Mandia Physical Sciences Su ?olk County Community College ? Dana Nuccitelli - Environmental Scientist Tetra Tech Inc ? James Prall The Edward S Rogers Sr Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto ? Dr John Price www grandkidzfuture com ? Corinne Le Quéré Professor of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia UK ? Prof Peter Reich Sr Chair in Forest Ecology and Tree Physiology University of Minnesota ? Prof Riccardo Reitano Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Catania Italy ? Prof Christian Shorey Geology and Geologic Engineering Colorado School of Mines ? Su ?olk County Community College MET students ? Glenn Tamblyn B Eng Mech Melbourne University Australia ? Dr André Viau Laboratory for paleoclimatology and climatology Department of Geography University of Ottawa Canada ? Dr Haydn Washington Environmental Scientist ? Robert Way Department of Geography Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada ? Dr Ray Weymann Director Emeritus and Sta ? Member Emeritus Carnegie Observatories Pasadena California Member National Academy of Sciences ? James Wight ? B? rbel Winkler Germany First published in December For more information or to comment on this Guide visit www skepticalscience com The Scienti ?c Guide to Global Warming Skepticism is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial Unported License Extracts may be reproduced provided Skeptical Science is attributed with a link to www skepticalscience com CWhat does it mean to be skeptical Scienti ?c skepticism is healthy In fact science by its very nature is skeptical Genuine skepticism means considering the full body of evidence before coming to a conclusion However when you take a close look at arguments expressing climate ? skepticism ? what you often observe is cherry picking of pieces of evidence while rejecting any data that don ? t ?t the desired picture This isn ? t skepticism It is ignoring facts and the science This guide looks at both the evidence that human activity is causing global warming and the ways that climate ? skeptic ? arguments can mislead by presenting only small pieces of the puzzle rather than the full picture Climate cherry picking Selective cherry picking could have you thinking this is a blue cherry tree But what does the full body of evidence tell you Human ?ngerprints on climate change Scientists look for independent lines of evidence pointing to a single consistent answer The full body of

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