Hive guide Hive Guide By Mike Alsop CNov Dec Contents ? Intro ? Hive Parts ? Hive summary ? The National - 's ? Deep National ?? revised ? Top Bar Hive ?? circa BC ? Dartington - ? WBC ?? ? Smith ?? post ? Commercial ?? 's ? Modi ?ed Dadant MD - ? Langstr
Hive Guide By Mike Alsop CNov Dec Contents ? Intro ? Hive Parts ? Hive summary ? The National - 's ? Deep National ?? revised ? Top Bar Hive ?? circa BC ? Dartington - ? WBC ?? ? Smith ?? post ? Commercial ?? 's ? Modi ?ed Dadant MD - ? Langstroth ?? ? Langstroth Jumbo - ? Warré hive - - ? Rose Hive ?? post ? Which hive is the right one for me Intro Modern Beehives I have listed a lot of information here about the most common types of hives in the UK the information is taken from several sources see last page but from a bee's perspective it really doesn't matter Which then leaves you with a few choices of which hive would suit you best All the hives listed apart from the Warré and Top Bar use frames and foundation They are managed roughly the same over the course of a season However I would recommend you use the same types as other bee keepers within your association and if possible start with two colonies in case one colony has a problem Then once you understand more about the colony and its needs you may want to try an alternative hive To some bee keepers its not the amount of honey or the size of the colony that matters they believe there are many problems with the framed hives and conventional methods and it would be better to allow the bees to act as if they were in the wild creating their own brood nests instead of being given a sheet of embossed wax held in a frame You may well hear this said a few times Ask a few bee keepers one question and will get back several di ?erent answers If it was possible to ask a honey bee the question ?? What would she want ? I like to think her answer would be this simple Some where dry and draft proof free from disease and all other types of pests Plenty of pollen and nectar to gather and of course lots of warm weather so they can do what they are best at which is making honey CAll modern 'framed' hives contain the same basic parts ---- Roof ---- Crown board ---- Super ---- Queen Excluder ---- Brood box ---- Floor ---- Entrance block The Floor or hive base is a vital piece of the hive most oors are made from a solid sheet of wood to help contain the internal temperatures and help keep the frost out more recently with the problems of condensation and the Varroa mite an optional open wire mesh oor can be used to help remove the unwanted mite from the hive In addition the mesh provides additional ventilation which some say allows you to keep a narrower entrance ?tted all year around which is easier for the bees to defend A good size of mesh has holes of approx mm large
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- Publié le Mar 13, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 83.8kB