Iain ec Elektrotehni ?ki vestnik Electrotechnical Review Ljubljana Slovenija Intelligent Agents in E-commerce Aleksander Pivk Matja Gams Jozef Stefan Institute Department of Intelligent Systems Jamova Ljubljana E- mail aleksander pivk ijs si matjaz gams i

Elektrotehni ?ki vestnik Electrotechnical Review Ljubljana Slovenija Intelligent Agents in E-commerce Aleksander Pivk Matja Gams Jozef Stefan Institute Department of Intelligent Systems Jamova Ljubljana E- mail aleksander pivk ijs si matjaz gams ijs si Abstract Intelligent agents represent a new breed of software with signi ?cant potential for a wide range of Internet applications They have been successfully used for personal assistants intelligent user interfaces and managing electronic mail Recently agents have been applied to electronic commerce promising a revolution in the way we conduct business whether business-to-business business-to- customer or customer-to-customer This article gives a brief introduction to intelligent agents and electronic commerce followed by a review of agent technologies involved in buying and selling Typology taxonomy and classi ?cation of agents are presented Several agent-mediated electronic commerce systems are analyzed in the context of a general model of the buying process Several lists of related Internet links should help readers to gather additional relevant information Key words agent intelligent agent and electronic commerce Inteligentni agenti v elektronskem poslovanju Povzetek Inteligentni agenti predstavljajo novo zvrst programske opreme z visokim potencialom pri raz ?irjenih internetnih aplikacijah V preteklosti so jih uspe ?no uporabljali pri upravljanju z elektronsko po ?to kot osebne pomoènike in inteligentne uporabni ?ke vmesnike V zadnjem èasu pa so se le- ti zaèeli uveljavljati pri elektronskem poslovanju kjer obljubljajo revolucionarne spremembe pri opravljanju poslovanja pa èe tu opazujemo poslovanje med podjetji med podjetjem in konèno stranko ali celo med samimi konènimi strankami V èlanku sva najprej predstavila inteligentne agente in elektronsko poslovanje temu pa sledi pregled tehnologij ki se uporabljajo pri nakupovanju in prodaji Predstavljeni so tudi tipologija sistematika in klasi ?kacija agentov V kontekstu splo ?nega modela nakupovalnega procesa je analiziranih nekaj elektronsko-poslovnih sistemov v povezavi z agenti Pri zbiranju dodatnih pomembnih informacij pa je bralcu v pomoè spisek sorodnih internetnih povezav Kljuène besede agent inteligentni agent elektronsko poslovanje Introduction In recent years the Internet World Wide Web due to its exponential growth enabled substantial progress in new information society functions such as online commerce Latest studies of online spending habits of consumers by Forrester have shown that the growth has been explosive increasing from billion in to billion in and billion in and still growing at a rapid pace Electronic commerce entails business-tobusiness business-to-customer and customer-to-customer transactions It encompasses a wide range of issues including security trust reputation law payment mechanisms advertising ontologies electronic product catalogs intermediaries multimedia shopping Accepted Aproved C Pivk Gams experiences and back o ?ce management Agent technologies can be applied to any of these areas Still the potential of the Internet for truly transforming commerce is largely unrealized to date Electronic purchases remain mostly non-automated While information about di ?erent products and vendors is easily accessible and orders and payments can be dealt with electronically a human is still in the loop in all stages of the buying process Traditional shopping activities require a large e ?ort from a human buyer collecting and interpreting information on merchants products and services

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