Journey mapping guide DESIGN PROFESSIONALS AN ONLINE WHITEBOARDING HANDBOOK INVISION CINTRODUCTION Journey maps are commonly used in the planning process of a product for viewing business operations from a customer ? s POV and to empower a better digital

DESIGN PROFESSIONALS AN ONLINE WHITEBOARDING HANDBOOK INVISION CINTRODUCTION Journey maps are commonly used in the planning process of a product for viewing business operations from a customer ? s POV and to empower a better digital experience A journey map helps organizations develop a deeper understanding of the paths prospect and current customer personas take to get to a desired end goal A journey map can come in many forms but the general idea stays the same ?? visualize an experience within your design product or process from a user perspective to better understand their interactions with your company and uncover opportunities for improvement INVISION FLOWCHARTING AN ESSENTIAL FIELD GUIDE CIn this guide we will explore ? What is a journey map and why is it important ? How can you use journey mapping within your team ? Are there di ?erent types of journey maps ? How do you create a successful journey map Let ? s get started INVISION FLOWCHARTING AN ESSENTIAL FIELD GUIDE CWhat are journey maps You ? ve probably heard the overused Ralph Waldo Emerson quote ??it ? s about the journey not the destination ? In the case of journey mapping it ? s a little bit of both ?? there should be equal attention paid to the entire path that current customers or potential buyers take to the desired end goal In practice a journey map is a diagram that uses customer data interactions and real users to help you make the most impactful user experience possible Why do journey maps matter So why is journey mapping important to your planning processes For instance when designing or creating products that are both useful and memorable there is nothing that ? s more paramount than cultivating a user-centric approach to your work You can design just for the sake of aesthetics but in order for the design to be successfully used there needs to be an understanding of the real needs and actual experience of an end user This is where journey mapping comes in INVISION FLOWCHARTING AN ESSENTIAL FIELD GUIDE CHow do journey maps take shape Visually a journey map is a diagram that displays a process that a user goes through in a sequential timeline It can include images or mockups of each process a user has to ? journey ? through with arrows indicating the order of each step Typically a journey map focuses on showing the following ? How users discover your product ? Their ?rst experience with your product ? How they move through your product ? Their interactions throughout the experience ? Do your users have a meaningful journey while make it to your desired end goal Additionally the map can include insights and notes from your team about each step in the process CHow do you journey map successfully with your team Journey maps are frequently used by many teams including ? User experience research teams to determine customer experiences within a product ? Digital product designers

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