Sla guide 1 The Ultimate Guide to Stereolithography SLA D Printing Stereolithography SLA is an additive manufacturing ?? commonly referred to as D printing ?? technology that converts liquid materials into solid parts layer by layer by selectively curing

The Ultimate Guide to Stereolithography SLA D Printing Stereolithography SLA is an additive manufacturing ?? commonly referred to as D printing ?? technology that converts liquid materials into solid parts layer by layer by selectively curing them using a light source in a process called photopolymerization SLA is widely used to create models prototypes patterns and production parts for a range of industries from engineering and product design to manufacturing dentistry jewelry model making and education In this comprehensive guide you ? ll learn about the di ?erent SLA systems various materials and their characteristics and how SLA compares to other technologies on the market March formlabs com Table of Contents Brief History SLA Systems Right-Side Up SLA Upside-Down Inverted SLA Understanding Supports Comparison of SLA systems Materials The Polymerization Process Characteristics of Resins and Plastics Composition of Photopolymet Resin ?? ??I ??sotropy vs Anisotropy Post-Curing Thermosettings vs Thermoplastics SLA Materials by Application Standard Engineering Dental Jewelry Experimental Why Desktop SLA High Resolution and Smooth Surface Finish Accuracy and Repeatability Design Freedom Rapid Prototyping Functional Parts for a Wide Range of Applications Costs and Value Printing Process Design Prepare Print Clean Cure Finish Get Started with SLA D Printing Brief History The SLA process ?rst appeared in the early s when Japanese researcher Dr Hideo Kodama invented the modern layered approach to stereolithography of using ultraviolet light to cure photosensitive polymers The term stereolithography itself was coined by Charles Chuck W Hull who patented the technology in and founded the company D Systems to commercialize it Hull described the method as creating D objects by successively ??printing ? thin layers of a material curable by ultraviolet light starting from the bottom layer to the top layer Later the de ?nition was extended to any material capable of solidi ?cation or alteration of its physical state Today D printing and additive manufacturing AM describe numerous individual processes which vary in their method of layer manufacturing material and machine technology used As patents began to expire at the end of the s the introduction of desktop D printing widened access to the technology with fused deposition modeling FDM ?rst gaining adoption in desktop platforms While this a ?ordable extrusionbased technology aided the widespread use of D printing the quality of these parts has limited the use of these machines since repeatable high-precision results are crucial for professional applications Prototypes of the Form the ?rst desktop SLA D printer SLA soon followed FDM to the desktop when Formlabs adapted the technology in SLA brought the promise of high resolution D printing ??previously limited to industrial systems ??in a much smaller and more a ?ordable setup with a wide range of print materials These capabilities made D printing accessible for a variety of custom applications including engineering product design and manufacturing or the dental and jewelry industries THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO STEREOLITHOGRAPHY SLA D PRINTING SLA Systems SLA belongs to a family of additive manufacturing technologies known as vat photopolymerization These machines are all

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