Ngo guide Guide to Nongovernmental Organizations for the Military A primer for the military about private voluntary and nongovernmental organizations operating in humanitarian emergencies globally edited by Lynn Lawry MD MSPH MSc CGuide to Nongovernmental

Guide to Nongovernmental Organizations for the Military A primer for the military about private voluntary and nongovernmental organizations operating in humanitarian emergencies globally edited by Lynn Lawry MD MSPH MSc CGuide to Nongovernmental Organizations for the Military A primer for the military about private voluntary and nongovernmental organizations operating in humanitarian emergencies globally Edited and rewritten by Lynn Lawry MD MSPH MSc Summer Originally written by Grey Frandsen Fall The Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine CDHAM Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences USUHS International Health Division O ?ce of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Health A ?airs U S Department of Defense CCopyright restrictions pertain to certain parts of this publication All rights reserved No copyrighted parts of this publication may be reprinted or transmitted in any form without written permission of the publisher or copyright owner This pdf document is compatible with Adobe Acrobat Reader version and later The ?le may open in earlier versions but will not necessarily appear as it was designed to appear and hyperlinks may not function correctly Acrobat Reader is available for free download from the Adobe website http get adobe com reader CContents About CDHAM About OASD HA - IHD Introduction Acronyms and Abbreviations Part NGO Structures and Themes Chapter Policies and De ?nitions Related to Aid Relief and Development Chapter Introduction to NGOs Chapter What Is an NGO Chapter NGO Structure Authority and Standards Chapter NGO Personnel and Policies Chapter NGO Funding Chapter NGO Coordination Chapter NGO Identi ?cation and Presence Part NGO Capacities and Services Chapter NGO Emergency Deployment and Response Chapter Scale and Scope of NGO Activity Chapter NGOs and Health Services Chapter NGOs and Food and Nutrition Chapter NGOs and Water Sanitation and Shelter Chapter NGOs and Protection Part NGO Operations Chapter NGO Logistics Chapter NGO Use of Information and Communications Technology Chapter NGOs and Security Chapter NGOs and the Military Part Annexes Annex Selected NGOs Annex Selected Humanitarian Resources Annex Selected Humanitarian Publications Annex Code of Conduct Annex How the U S Government Provides Humanitarian Aid Annex Red Cross and Red Crescent Systems Explained Annex Key United Nations Agencies Annex Médecins sans Frontières speach at NATO Annex Sources CAbout CDHAM Advancing medicine in humanitarian and disaster relief The vision To contribute to national security by achieving regional and global stability through health care diplomacy The U S military has a long history of responding to disasters and participating in humanitarian assistance missions Until recently however these missions were considered less important than traditional combat and combat support missions Events in the st century have made it clear that our national security depends on stability around the globe This was emphasized in recent Department of Defense DOD guidance establishing stability sperations including humanitarian assistance and disaster response HA DR as missions with a priority equal to combat operations The mission To provide support to Department of Defense agencies through education training consultation direct support and scholarly activities regarding the role of health care in response to disasters

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