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Gigs Music Arts Movies TV Games Gadgets Food Gear FREE SHIT WORTH DOING The Dark Knight Rises CONCORD DAWN HOME BREW COLLApsing cities - JUL NZ ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ Detail ? Cyril Ruoso France Tiny warm-up Groove Guide The Production Co Present BRUCE MASON PLAYWRITING AWARD CHAPMAN TRIPP MOST ORIGINAL PRODUCTION FOR THE INTRICATE ART OF ACTUALLY CARING FRINGE FESTIVAL BEST THEATRE FOR THE INTRICATE ART OF ACTUALLY CARING CHAPMAN TRIPP OUTSTANDING PLAYWRIGHT FOR RUBBER TURKEY Eli ?Kent ?is ?an ?extraordinary ? new ?voice ?in ?New ?Zealand ? playwriting ? ?? ?highly ? original ?complex ?funny ? and ?profoundly ?moving Now On Sale Lydia Cole Me Moon Tour with Tom Lark th July Raglan Yot Club th July th july th July th july th July th July Auckland Besos Latinos tauranga major toms Wellington Mighty Mighty cook strait interislander ferry blenheim the secret garden cafe Christchurch dux live th July Timaru Arthur Street Cafe th July th July th july th july st july th july Dunedin The Church Cafe Nelson Fair Field House cook strait interislander ferry palmerston north e cafe whanganui whanganiui musicians club hamilton milk honey Tickets from www undertheradar co nz www lydiacole com - www tomlark bandcamp com OUATLBNUOMW KIP CHAPMAN EDWIN WRIGHT ADAM GARDINER NIC SAMPSON VIRGINIA FRANKOVICH JULIA CROFT KEITH ADAMS JUNE ?? JULY HERALD ?THEATRE ?AOTEA ?CENTRE ?THE ?EDGE BUY TICKETS or www atc co nz Shit Worth Knowing grooveguide co nz NEWS Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile website for breaking news reviews interviews and more features A Red Hot Summer Los Angeles troubadours Red Hot Chili Peppers have been announced to play one show at Auckland ? s Vector Arena in January Pushing nearly years at the forefront of modern rock the legacy themselves return for the ?rst time in ?ve years as they celebrate last year ? s release and their th studio album I ? m With You The line-up consisting of constants Anthony Kiedis Flea Chad Smith and John Frusciante replacement newcomer Josh Klingho ?er will be supported by LA hardcore pseudo-supergroup O ? at the show on Sunday January We also do this cool social media stu ? GrooveGuide facebook com grooveguide Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler grooveguide co nz or call Give a hoot Synth-pop indietronica-darling-gone-mainstream pop hit Owl City AKA Adam Young has announced he ? ll be making his way to New Zealand with his live band before touring Australia in November for an all-ages show at Auckland ? s Powerstation The electronica hitmaker garnered more attention for himself with his May release The Midsummer Station through Universal Republic and was joined by

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