Passover guide ORTHODOX UNION President Stephen J Savitsky Chairman Board of Directors Harvey Blitz Executive Vice President Rabbi Dr Tzvi Hersh Weinreb National Executive Director Rabbi Moshe D Krupka Executive Director Operations and Management Eliezer

ORTHODOX UNION President Stephen J Savitsky Chairman Board of Directors Harvey Blitz Executive Vice President Rabbi Dr Tzvi Hersh Weinreb National Executive Director Rabbi Moshe D Krupka Executive Director Operations and Management Eliezer Edelman Chief Financial O ?cer Alan Miller KASHRUTH DIVISION Chairman Joint Kashruth Commission Stephen J Savitsky Rabbinic Administrator CEO Rabbi Menachem Genack Executive Rabbinic Coordinator COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant Executive Rabbinic Coordinator Rabbi Yaakov Luban Halachic Consultants Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Rabbi Hershel Schachter Senior Rabbinic Coordinator Vice President Communications and Marketing Rabbi Eliyahu Safran Rabbinic Coordinators Rabbi Menachem Adler Rabbi Yisroel Bendelstein Rabbi David Bistricer Rabbi Aharon Brun-Kestler Rabbi Gad Buchbinder Rabbi David Cohen Rabbi Michoel Coleman Rabbi Chaim Cruper Rabbi Donneal Epstein Rabbi Eliyahu Ferrell Rabbi Shaul Gold Rabbi Chaim Goldberg Rabbi Nosson Goldberg Rabbi Yosef Goldberg Rabbi Tzvi Goodman Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer Rabbi David Gorelik Rabbi Yosef Grossman Rabbi Chananel Herbsman Rabbi Yermia Indich Rabbi Avrohom Juravel Rabbi Yonatan Kagano ? Rabbi Elimelech Lebowitz Rabbi Seth Mandel Rabbi Yaakov Mendelson Rabbi Yitzchok Mincer Rabbi Michael Morris Rabbi Yerachmiel Morrison Rabbi Nosson Neuberger Rabbi Avram Ossey Rabbi Yisroel Paretzky Rabbi Gavriel Price Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz Rabbi Dovid Rockove Rabbi Israel Rothenberg Rabbi Kalmen Scheiner Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld Rabbi Dov Schreier Rabbi Joseph Singer Rabbi Shmuel Singer Rabbi Leonard Steinberg Rabbi Moshe Zywica Business Management Trademark Compliance Rabbi Howard Katzenstein Director Rabbi Baruch Cywiak Rabbi Herbert Frisch Rabbi Dovid Hirsch Rabbi Moshe Rosenbaum Rabbinic Administrator - Rabbi Alexander S Rosenberg zt ? ? l Coordinator Passover Supervision Rabbi Shmuel Singer Rabbi Dov Schreier Associate Kashruth Editor Avigail Klein Director of Communications and Marketing David Olivestone Advertising Sales Manager Deborah Lieber Art Director Renée R Rosenfeld Circulation Coordinator Roberta Levine PASSOVER GUIDE A Special Issue of Jewish Action Magazine Passover CONTENTS ABOUT THE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE OBSERVING THE PASSOVER HOLIDAY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT PASSOVER PREPARING FOR PASSOVER BRIEF GUIDE TO THE SEDER SHIURIM MEASURES MINIMUMS GLOSSARY OF COMMON PASSOVER TERMS MEDICINES AND INEDIBLES KASHERING PRIMER LATEST TIMES AND CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES SEFIRAT HAOMER CHART PRODUCT LISTING products that do not require special Passover certi ?cation PRODUCT LISTING products that require special Passover certi ?cation INDEX THE PASSOVER GUIDE IS PUBLISHED BY THE JOINT KASHRUTH COMMISSION OF THE ORTHODOX UNION Eleven Broadway New York NY ? www oukosher org The Orthodox Union Kashruth Program is operated in conjunction with its Halachic authority the Rabbinical Council of America Rabbi Emanuel Holzer Chairman Rabbinical Kashruth Commission Special Note Because of an early printing deadline some of the information included in this directory was obtained before Passover productions actually occurred and may not be completely up to date In case of any questions please visit www oukosher org or call the Orthodox Union o ?ce at ? COPYRIGHT BY THE ORTHODOX UNION PRINTED IN CANADA Jewish Action ISSN No - is published by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Eleven Broadway New York NY ? - Printed Quarterly - Winter Spring Summer Fall plus Special Passover issue Subscription

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