Confession guide PREPARATION FOR THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY CONFESSION A Guide for Youth and Sunday School Students Malankara Syrian Orthodox Sunday School Association of North America ? CPREPARATION ?FOR ?THE ?SACRAMENT ?OF ?CONFESSION A ?Guide ?for ?Youth ?a

PREPARATION FOR THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY CONFESSION A Guide for Youth and Sunday School Students Malankara Syrian Orthodox Sunday School Association of North America ? CPREPARATION ?FOR ?THE ?SACRAMENT ?OF ?CONFESSION A ?Guide ?for ?Youth ?and ?Sunday ?School ?Students As ?a ?Chris an ?we ?have ?already ?taken ?a ?vow ?at ?the ? me ?of ?our ?bap- ? sm ? Most ?of ?us ?our ?God-father ?mother ?to ?abandon ?Satan ?and ?his ? works ?and ?to ?accept ?Jesus ?Christ ?and ?his ?ways ?This ?means ?that ?we ? are ? called ? to ? live ? a ? God- centered ? life ? following ? the ? ways ? of ? Christ ? Our ?call ?is ?to ?lead ?a ?life ?of ?faith ?keeping ?virtues ?of ?honesty ?purity ? nobility ? and ? love ? in ? our ? thoughts ? words ? and ? deeds ? However ? we ? seldom ?a ain ?this ?goal ?of ?living ?a ?God-centered ?life ?as ?we ?are ?con- ? stantly ? tempted ? by ? the ? worldly ? pleasures ? and ? tempta ons ? God ? who ? created ? us ? knows ? our ? weaknesses ? he ? knows ? what ? we ? think ? what ?we ?do ?in ?secret ?what ?we ?hide ? and ?what ? our ?inten ons ?are ? He ? knows ? everything ?about ?us ?and ?He ? wants ?us ? to ? be ? back ? in ?his ? ways ? Therefore ? God ? has ? set ? the ? sacrament ? of ? Confession ? where ? we ? can ? repent ? our ? sins ? failures ? in ? keeping ? up ? with ? God ? s ? ways ? return ? back ? to ? God ? and ? rededicate ? ourselves ? in ? following ? Jesus ? Christ What ?are ?the ?steps ?in ?the ?sacrament ?of ?Confession In ? order ? to ? bene ?t ? from ? the ? sacrament ? of ? Confession ? ?rst ? you ? must ?have ?a ?strong ?desire ?to ?live ?according ?to ?the ?ways ?of ?God ?Sec- ? ondly ?you ?must ?have ? a ?sense ?of ?responsibility ?regarding ?yourself ? what ?you ?do ?what ?you ?think ?what ?you ?feel ?and ?what ?you ?say ?The ? general ? ?ve ?stages ?of ?Confession ?are Self-examina on ? Examine ?yourself ?periodically ?are ?you ?staying ?o ? ?from ?the ?ways ?of ? God ?Whenever ?you ?realize ?that ?you ?have ?failed ?in ?keeping ?up ?with ? God ? s ?ways ? living ?a ?God-centered ?life ?keeping ?honesty ?purity ?for- ? giveness ? and ?love ?seek ? for ?divine ? help ?through ?the ? sacrament ?of ? confession ? ?Repen ng ?about ?your ?sins ? Repentance ? is ?not ?synonymous ?to ?worry ? or ?guilt ?about ?something ? you ?have ?done ?though ?or ?felt ?But ?it ?is ?a ?realiza on ?that ?you ?have ? sinned ?and ?then ?a ?rming ?not ?to ?repeat ?the ?sins ?again ?Prepared ?by ?Fr

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