Copie de cartes de controle ofppt minitab

N X X X X X X R Sample Mean Xbar-R Chart of X Sample Sample Sample Range CSamp Sample CXbar-R Chart of X X UCL X LCL Sample UCL R LCL Sample CR LCL Sample C CX X X X X X X X X X x s Cechantillon X X X X X Sample Mean Xbar-S Chart of X X UC X LC Sample UC S LC Sample Sample StDev CECHANTILLONS CX X X X X moyenne UCL X LCL UCL S LCL C s Cn N Echantillon Nombre de contenant non Conforme Proportion de non Conforme CP Chart of Nombre de contenant non Conform UCL P Proportion LCL Sample Ct non Conform UCL P LCL Cn Nombre N Echantillon d'interrupte urs taille echantillon defectueux Sample Count NP Cha CNP Chart of Nombre interrupteur deefectueux UCL Sample Count NP LCL Sample CN Echantillon Nombre de non conformités Sample Count C Chart of Nombre Samp CC Chart of Nombre de non conformités UCL C LCL Sample C j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s j s nombre controlé nombre de NC jour - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sample Count Per Unit CSa Tests performed CU Chart of nombre de NC Sample Count Per Unit C Sa Sample Tests performed with unequal sample sizes Ce NC UCL U LCL CLCL CNQA LTPD a b Probability of Acceptance Operating Chara Sample Size A CProba Lot Pe Cperating Characteristic OC Curve ample Size Acceptance Number C Lot Percent Defective C

  • 37
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  • Publié le Jan 03, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 42.8kB