Prague city guide PRAGUE CITY GUIDE Free download from www praguefriends com if you like it please donate also cent ? Welcome in Prague the purpose of this few papers is just to give you an updated and fast guide to the city and its life few but useful in
PRAGUE CITY GUIDE Free download from www praguefriends com if you like it please donate also cent ? Welcome in Prague the purpose of this few papers is just to give you an updated and fast guide to the city and its life few but useful informations for a complete guide buy a book ? This small guide is made by two sections the ?rst is a lot of fast informations as one list divided in sections the second is a list of must see divided by sightseeing restaurants and nightlife plus fun with all detailed informations as address or website Enjoy Prague HOTELS In Prague there so many hotels that the only problem is to choose one in a nice area mostly if you book a package with a ight you ? ll get a big hotel outside the center My suggestion is to stay in Prague to be able to go everywhere without using taxies or public transportation Most known areas of Prague are old town new town and mala strana castle side My following list is based on my personal opinion and or other people mainly ASWers visiting Prague Alchymist Hotel Tr i ?t ? Praha Czech Republic www alchymisthotel com De ?nitely the best in town with amazing spa discount for ASWers Residence Nosticova Nosticova Praha Czech Republic www nosticova com renewed hotel and restaurant with best summer garden in town discount for ASWers K K Hotel Central Hybernská Prague Czech Republic Tel - Fax - Email hotel central kkhotels cz Floor hotel Na P íkop ? Praha Praha Czech Republic www oorhotel cz internet booking very cheap just e per night Maximilian Ha ?talská Praha Czech Republic www maximilianhotel com Hotel Hastal Ha ?talská Praha Praha Czech Republic www hotelhastalprague com C- Hotel Casa Marcello ásnovka Praha Praha Czech Republic www casa-marcello cz - Hotel Bellagio U milosrdn? ch Praha Praha Czech Republic www bellagiohotel cz - Carlo IV Boscolo Senová né nám ?stí Praha Czech Republic prague boscolohotels com - Four Seasons Veleslavínova a Praha Praha Czech Republic www fourseasons com DRINKING - Tretter's kolkovny street great after pm the best place after dinner - Cafe' Cafe' rityrska great after pm - Lamborghini cafe' vezenska great after pm happy hour with bu ?et - Silver jungmannovo namesti a new one nice and modern RESTAURANTS check reviews on www expats cz Trendy - buddha bar just opened Italian - la vita e' bella elisky krasnohorske elegant but expensive - pepe nero bilkova the best italian pizza in town C- al dente - amici miei - aromi in vinohradska the most famous - da nico - cerny horel French - le terroir for a dinner - la provence for a dinner - chez marcel best for lunch European - celnice - kogo Special - hotel alchymist with live music on thursday friday and saturday International - la cantina mexican - casa andina peruvian - ambiente brasileiro brasilian Summer terrace and Best Outdoor Dining - sahara -
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Nov 23, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 89.6kB