The ministry of winds a short adventure for four 6th level player characters
INTRODUCTION the ministry of winds Deep in the heart of the city lies that strange edi ?ce Everyone knows about it or that is to say everyone knows it is there No one ever really seems to have much more information about the granite structure except that it has no windows or doors and it is surrounded by swirling wind Most people call it the Obelisk of the Winds Tales are told of its secrets but none of them seems to hold the truth This urban miniadventure can take place in just about any city in your campaign ??just set it in the part of town that works best for your current needs If you have Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil the city can be Hommlet you might also suggest a tie between the Ministry of the Winds described here and the Air Temple in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Area in Chapter The Crater Ridge Mines A short adventure for four th-level player characters PREPARATION Design Editing Cartography Web Production Web Development Graphic Design CREDITS Monte Cook Sue Weinlein Cook Dennis Kauth Julia Martin Mark A Jindra Sean Glenn Cynthia Fliege Based on the original DUNGEONS DRAGONS game by E Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet Monte Cook Skip Williams Rich Baker and Peter Adkison You the Dungeon Master DM need a copy of the Player ? s Handbook the DUNGEON MASTER ? s Guide and the Monster Manual to use this adventure If you plan to tie this scenario in with the Air Temple as mentioned above you ? ll need the new Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information which you may read aloud or paraphrase when appropriate Unshaded boxes contain important information for you including special instructions Monster and NPC statistics are provided with each encounter in abbreviated form or where appropriate the proper page in the Monster Manual is referenced This adventure uses one of the ??Ruins ? maps by Dennis Kauth from the O ?cial D D Website ? s Map-aWeek feature Aug It ? s reprinted on page BACKGROUND The Ministry of Winds was once a powerful group of D D DUNGEONS DRAGONS and DUNGEON MASTER are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast Inc The d logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast Inc All Wizards characters character names and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast Inc four spellcasters that built the Obelisk of the Winds They lived in the area more than years ago eventually sealing themselves o ? in the obelisk and its dungeon level see map of that level on page to save This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without
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- Publié le Jan 09, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 62.1kB