Racial reconciliation a resource list
Racial Reconciliation A Resource List CIntroduction This document is to share carefully curated educational resources on racial injustice speci ?cally anti-black racism and tools to dismantle it action steps toward justice and racial reconciliation This was made speci ?cally for Christian women however it includes voices from many world views and the resources can be bene ?cial for all As followers of Christ we look to God's word ?rst and foremost any message from the world is viewed through a biblical lens and we uphold God's word as the ultimate authority We can search for what God's word says about racial reconciliation injustice loving our neighbours Read the bible cover to cover so that we truly understand live out the gospel Ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to act justly love mercy and walk humbly with God CGospel Diversity Jackie Hill Perry teaches powerfully on gospel diversity speci ?cally for the next generation at MLK conference A Biblical Responce to Race Sermon from Dr Tony Evans unpacking both John - Galatians - Crossing the Divide Matt Tapley explores the good Samaritan Luke how Jesus responds to injustice Racial Harmony Racial Reconciliation the Word of God Sermon from Matt Chandler he has several messages on racial reconciliation harmony The links above are clickable and will take you to a youtube video of the sermon or teachings CBooks The Fire Next Time x James Baldwin Addressing race religion and how they ? ve intersected in American history The Fire Next Time was one of the most in uential texts on race from the s ??and remains so Also recommended from the same author is Notes of a Native Son White Fragility x Robin DiAngelo White fragility functions to prevent meaningful cross-racial dialogue through emotions anger fear guilt and behaviours argumentation silence when many white people are challenged racially DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops how it protects racial inequality and how to engage more constructively There is also a PDF journal article reading guide for the book available for free online under the same name Between the World and Me x Ta-nehisi Coates In a beautifully written letter to his son interwoven with explorations of history and culture Coates shows what it means to be black in America Coates has written other wonderful works as well i e The Water Dancer The Book of Negroes x Lawrence Hill Beautifully written compelling narrative that is helpful in understanding the slave experience Loosely based on true historical events Also a miniseries Just Mercy x Bryan Stevenson A powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us from one of the most brilliant and in uential lawyers of our time Also a ?lm CThe Color of Compromise x Jemar Tisby Reveals the concrete and chilling ways people of faith have worked against racial justice Provides an in-depth diagnosis for a racially divided American church suggests ways to foster an equitable and inclusive society among God's people The Inconvenient Indian x Thomas King
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- Publié le Mar 02, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 42.1kB