Railcar guide smart transportationTM guide to common railcars boxcars standard boxcar ? Boxcars are the most common type of cargo railcar in use worldwide and are designed to carry boxed crated or palletized freight of all kinds ? Boxcars come in and -foo
smart transportationTM guide to common railcars boxcars standard boxcar ? Boxcars are the most common type of cargo railcar in use worldwide and are designed to carry boxed crated or palletized freight of all kinds ? Boxcars come in and -foot lengths with load capacities ranging from to tons ? Box cars may be equipped with various interior loading devices such as belt-rails or moveable bulkheads to secure loads ? High cube boxcars are designed for transporting extremely bulky loads Dimensions Length inside Height inside Door opening height Door opening width Width inside ' ' ' ' ' m m m m m Weight Capacity estimated Cubic capacity cu ft Load limit lbs m kg high cube boxcar Dimensions Length inside Height inside Door opening height Door opening width Width inside ' ' ' ' ' m m m m m Weight Capacity estimated Cubic capacity cu ft m Load limit lbs kg Find out more about enviromodal or www enviromodal com Crefrigerated boxcars reefers ? Reefers refrigerated boxcars are designed to carry perishable freight at speci ?c temperatures ? Reefers can be cooled with ice a mechanical refrigeration system or carbon dioxide as dry ice or in liquid form ? Available in a multitude of lengths ? Meat reefers are equipped with specialized beef rails Dairy and poultry products require specialized interior racks to ensure cooled air circulates Dimensions Length inside Height inside Door opening height Door opening width Width inside ' n a ' ' n a Weight Capacity estimated Cubic capacity n a Load limit n a m n a m m n a n a n a at car ? Flat cars are designed to transport oversize goods and cargo that must be loaded from the side or top ? Available in numerous lengths ? Features large at cargo surface that will accommodate virtually any commodity that is not subject to damage from the elements ? Multiple tie downs Dimensions Length over end sill Width over side sill Weight Capacity Load limit ' ' m m lbs kg Find out more about enviromodal or www enviromodal com Cdouble stack container car ? Designed to carry international standard ' ' ' ' and ' ocean freight containers in various stacking combinations Dimensions Well size Weight Capacity Load limit ' x ' m x m lbs kg tank car ? Tank cars are designed to carry bulk liquids ? Product-speci ?c linings and coatings are specially selected to protect tank shell integrity and product purity Many cars are ?tted with loading and unloading devices on a single nozzle protecting workers and the environment ? Acid cars are specially designed and constructed tankers that feature high-bake epoxy linings acid resistant coatings and special acid resistant ?ttings and unloading systems Dimensions Tank Inside diameter ' m Length over tank heads ' m Weight Capacity Shell full capacity gal lit Find out more about enviromodal or www enviromodal com Chopper car ? Hopper cars are designed to transport free owing dry
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- Publié le Mar 01, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 27.6kB