Re representing quot the great american institution that never gets mentioned on the fourth of july quot

Re-representing ??The Great American Institution that Never https journals openedition org transatlantica Transatlantica Revue d ? études américaines American Studies Journal Hi Stories of American Women Writings and Re-writings Call and Answer Dialoguing the American West in France Hi Stories of American Women Writings and Re-writings Re-representing ??The Great American Institution that Never Gets Mentioned on the Fourth of July ? Engaging Feminist Theories in Todd Haynes ? s miniseries Mildred Pierce HBO CRISTELLE MAURY sur Résumés English Français This article relies on theories of adaptation to analyze Todd Haynes ? s miniseries Mildred Pierce in the light of its source novel written by James Cain in and of Curtiz ? s ?lm noir It explores the way in which the story of an individual woman is representative of women ? s collective history while being tightly linked to the historical context For this purpose and given Todd Haynes ? s a ?nities with feminist ?lm studies and feminist theories at large it looks at the transformations of the representation of women ? s work at the status of feminist discourses and at the introduction of two new parameters race and class from an intersectional perspective Cet article s ? appuie sur les théories de l ? adaptation pour analyser la minisérie de Todd Haynes Mildred Pierce à la lumière de son texte source le roman de James Cain et de la première adaptation de Michael Curtiz Il explore dans quelle mesure l ? histoire individuelle d ? une femme peut être représentative de l ? histoire collective des femmes tout en montrant que les représentations sont étroitement liées au contexte historique Pour cela et en prenant en compte les a ?nités que Todd Haynes entretient avec les études ?lmiques féministes et les théories féministes en général il analyse les à CRe-representing ??The Great American Institution that Never https journals openedition org transatlantica transformations de la représentation du travail des femmes les discours féministes et l ? introduction de deux nouveaux paramètres la race et la classe dans une perspective intersectionnelle Entrées d ? index Mots-clés adaptation ascension sociale femmes au travail féminisme genre histoire des femmes intersectionnalité James Cain Michael Curtiz Todd Haynes Mildred Pierce race Keywords adaptation upward social mobility women ? s work feminism gender history of women intersectionality James Cain Michael Curtiz Todd Haynes Mildred Pierce race Texte intégral Todd Haynes ? s miniseries Mildred Pierce is the second adaptation of James Cain ? s novel of the same title It was ?rst adapted as a ?lm noir by Michael Curtiz in It tells the story of a middle-class housewife who divorces her unemployed husband and struggles to support herself and her two daughters in the context of the Great Depression She starts working as a waitress and then opens her own restaurants In the process her younger daughter dies of pneumonia and her elder daughter Veda turns into an ungrateful ??monster ? This ironic reworking of a success story with the rise and fall of

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