Refresh guide EMB- EMB- Recurrent Guide C C EMB- EMB- Recurrent Guide Brought to you by C INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C EMB- EMB- RG TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction About This Manual An Introduction to Advanced Quali ?cation Program AQP II Knowledge Validat

EMB- EMB- Recurrent Guide C C EMB- EMB- Recurrent Guide Brought to you by C INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK C EMB- EMB- RG TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction About This Manual An Introduction to Advanced Quali ?cation Program AQP II Knowledge Validation Limitations Memory Items Flight Deck Overview Power Source Summary System Test Procedures III Special Purpose Operational Training All Engine Departure Hierarchy Flow Chart Single Engine Departure Hierarchy Single Engine Missed Approach Hierarchy Approach Navigation Sources IV Maneuvers Validation Steep Turns Stalls Windshear Escape Maneuver Aborted Takeo ? Engine Failure Fire During Takeo ? Single Engine Approach Go Around V Line Operational Evaluation Emergency Procedures Threat and Error Management TEM Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iii C EMB- EMB- RG Table of Contents INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK iv C EMB- EMB- RG I INTRODUCTION I Introduction About This Manual This guide is designed to help current ExpressJet EMB- pilots prepare for recurrent training This document contains an overview of topics and procedures commonly encountered in recurrent training that are not commonly experienced on the line It is important to remember that this uno ?cial guide is just a review of the basics It is recommended that you still study the source material OM Vol I OM Vol II and the FOM in order to e ?ectively prepare for recurrent training Contact me at JacobRSmith gmail com if you have any comments corrections or suggestions An Introduction to Advanced Quali ?cation Program AQP In an attempt to change recurrent training from strictly a pass fail event focused on the individual the FAA and airline training departments have developed a training program focused on improving industry safety The new training program is called Advanced Quali ?cation Program AQP The training program takes lessons learned from actual operations ASAP FOQA LOSA etc and develops realistic training events designed to evaluate not only a pilot ? s technical knowledge and ying skills but also their CRM skills In addition to the change in training goals AQP also changes the standards pilots are held to In developing AQP the FAA realized that abnormal procedures such as stalls steep turns and V cuts are normally only experienced during checking events in simulators Instead of the outcome of a pilot ? s training event dependent on whether or not a pilot is able to maintain altitude during a steep turn pilots are allowed to be retrained except for the KV and LOE without it resulting in a failed checking event Recurrent training is divided into several modules Recurrent ground training Special Purpose Operational Training SPOT Knowledge Validation KV Maneuvers Validation MV and Line Operational Evaluation LOE Recurrent ground training is done in a classroom environment over a two-day period and is separate from the simulator portion The SPOT KV MV and LOE are done over another two-day period and include simulator sessions Recurrent ground training reviews systems SOPs the FOM

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