Rla 15 wettergott heiten pdf
Realle ? s ? Begründet von E Ebeling und B Meissner fortgeführt von E Weidner W von Soden und D Edzard herausgegeben von M P Streck unter Mitwirkung von G Frantz-Szab M Krebernik D Morandi Bonacossi J N Postgate U Seidl M Stol G Wilhelm l Redaktion T Blaschke J Fechner M Greiner S Heigl N Morello Band Lieferung Waschung A - Yutiy? Sonderdruck De Gruyter CWETTERGOTT HEITEN A ETCSL pile up sapu CAD S i and take the form of a ship a ?sh or a sheep CAD E lnstead of IM UD sir-da thick clouds The Cursing of Agade ETCSL read with P Attinger im ud gid-da durant de long jours il ne tomba plus de pluie La malediction d'Agade http ancientworldonline blogspot de o sumerian-resources-from- pascal-attinger html S a Urnamma's death ETCSL - - ? Cold Sum sed sed Akk ku u also meaning winter s Sommer und inter tak i tu Astronomical Diaries SED Sachs Hunger To be cold is ka u ümu essu ka at the day its heat is cold ACh Adad Cold is strong CAD K or becomes severe probably gas? ru Sachs Hunger ? Fog mist haze Sum muru IM DUGUD bar-seg Akk imbaru ak? mu billu Sachs Hunger Fog is heavy dugud Letter from Siniddinam to the god Utu ETCSL kabtu CAD I or strong dannu CAD Ah lt smokes qat? ru CAD I rains seg The lament for Sumer and Urim ETCSL zan? nu CAD I rises il The lament for Urim ETCSL elu CAD I covers the sky AN SÜim Sachs Hunger In comparisons fog covers kat? mu CAD I N or su butu I overwhelms sab? pu CAD I or blows nas? pu ibid ? Frost ice Sum IJ l? ba seg Akk balpu kuppu also OA ku-pa-um AKT b also meaning snow s Schnee qarbu surfpu To ice up is qar? bu Frost becomes or is strong dan? nu dannu CAD K ? Hailstones Sum na Akk abnu both meaning stone Hailstones are big ga -g a e g Sin-iddinam E ETS SL or small tur-tur e g Sulgi A ETCSL They rain zan? nu CAD Af or are a drop from the sky tik same ibid ? Heat Sum e-me-es Akk emmütu etu ummu umsu the two latter words also mean sum ner s Sommer' und Winter To be hot is Sum kum ud kum-a on a hot day Debate between copper and silver ETCSL Akk sab? nu ümum sabunma the w was hot ARM or ememu ümü em mü EA Heat is strong dannu CAD U or great rabu ibid ? Thunder Sum gu-an-ne-si lit voice ?lling the sky Akk ram? mu ra ? nu sag? mu all meaning to roar to shout said of the weather god Noun rigmu voice of the weather god Astronomical Diaries GÜ U Sachs Hunger Adad's voice is terrible galtu CAD R good t? bu ibid strong dannu ibid and the thundering god is terrifying palbu ibid Charlier P
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 17, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 181.1kB