Study guide class Virtual Meeting questions Use guidelines IE primary then secondary medications Study guide picmonic and osmosis Gerd tx proton pump inhibitor prazole then tidiness Long term use Use for no more than weeks risk for fx and osteoporosis b d
Virtual Meeting questions Use guidelines IE primary then secondary medications Study guide picmonic and osmosis Gerd tx proton pump inhibitor prazole then tidiness Long term use Use for no more than weeks risk for fx and osteoporosis b de ?ciency decrease calcium absorption Cdi ? infections take with ?rst meal of the day H blockers and antacids prn minutes before a meal Magnesium causes diarrhea Calcium carb diarrhea Peptic Ulcers types duodenal and gastric main causes NSAIDS and H Pylori Give PPI Duodenal pain relieved by eating - hours after a meal Gastric pain increases when eating usually caused by stress st line therapy Omycins and a PPI and Flagyl GERD biggest risk factor is Varices of the esophagus CA Charophyte take before meals used for duodenal ulcers no more than weeks Antiemetics Zofran Metoclopramide ranitidine and Phenergan ? remember Zofran causes QT elongation and check for Hepatic Impairments Phenergan causes respiratory depression Allergic Rhinitis st line tx is corticosteroids nasal sprays should use no more than days otherwise they will rebound nd line is antihistamines and avoid triggers be careful with Benadryl in older adults because is increased risk for falls Asthma st line is intermittent mal persistent moderate severe Need to know medication symptoms and frequency Start with Albuterol as a rescue then sones then terols then refer to pulmonology Is in ammation Must have long acting laba long n short Decongestants for URI Expectorants leukotrienes anti-tussives cough suppressants COPD Sabas short acting then long acting them tx with lamas inhaled corticosteroid is the inverse of asthma Is blockage DX FEV ratio Diabetes Prediabetes A C - diabetic st line is metformin diarrhea Less than on an A c is goal Dx requires values A c fasting and random B de ?ciency and renal function gfr less than don ? t prescribe GLP black box warning Thyroid cancers and pancreatitis Thyroid hypothyroid st line medication is levothyroxine mg for elderly Biggest side e ?ect palpitations - weeks after initiation recheck thyroid levels In pregnancy st line tx in ?rst trimester get labs prescribe beta blocker ie propranolol Erectile dysfunction PDE inhibitor such as Viagra or sildena ?l Check for cardiac dysfunction full cardiac pro ?le ekg labs testosterone bp Ultrasound Alpha Blockers zosyn ? s quick symptom relief Teach on hypotension and take the medication at night Alpha reductase inhibitors shrink the prostate proscar and ?nasteride used for months to tx enlarged prostate and has teratogenic e ?ects so pregnant women should not touch this med Herbal med for this saw palmetto for enlarged prostate Urinary incontinence Renal impairment check GFR lab and BUN creatinine CKD caused by DM and Hypertension Knowing there is stages depending in GFR no symptoms until stage GFR less than kidney function is poor Greater than looks good stage two - stage - control bp Less than is ESRD Osteoporosis risk factor steroid use smoking hormone use postmenopausal Do weight bearing exercise Prescribe calcium and vitamin d - Bisphosphonate ie dronate is ?rst
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- Publié le Jui 27, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.6kB