Sumero indo european language contacts by a sahala

SUMERO -INDO -EUROPEAN LANGUAGE CONTACTS Aleksi Sahala University of Helsinki Corrections made in aleksi sahala helsinki ? http www ling helsinki ? asahala Originally written as a course essay in ABSTRACT Albeit the genetic a ?nity of the Sumerian language is still lacking consensus some vocabulary related to Sumerian may be found from various language families including Indo-European Kartvelian Semitic Dravidian and Uralic Where the Semitic contacts are well attested contacts to other families have often regarded controversial In this paper I will present and brie y review words attested in the Sumerian and Indo- European languages which may share a common etymology including some which have already been proposed by J Pokorny and G Whittaker Of the presented lexical data words can be tentatively considered as direct borrowings and as a proto-historical adstrate The rest can be regarded partly as wanderworts or perhaps even as relics of the debatable Nostratic macrofamily However in some cases the semantic and phonetic resemblance may be purely coincidental Introduction Sumerian language was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia from the th millennium BC to the Old Babylonian period BC during which the Sumerians gradually assimilated into Akkadian speaking Babylonians By the end of the th century BC Sumerian was no longer spoken as a ?rst language but it was still studied by Akkadian scholars as a classical language and its literary tradition continued for almost two millennia The latest written memorials of the Sumerian language date back to the postSeleucid era st century AD Hayes In the s after the rediscovery and partial decipherment of the Sumerian language by Henry Rawlinson and Edward Hincks arose an Cintriguing question of its genetic a ?nity Although the typological features of Sumerian re ect those found in many agglutinative languages of Eurasia ?nding any genealogical links to other languages proved to be an insuperable task Regardless of numerous attempts to connect Sumerian with Caucasian Semitic Ural-Altaic Elamo- Dravidian Basque and Indo-European languages by the vast majority of scholars it is still regarded as a language isolate with no known relatives Edzard It has also been suggested that the Sumerian language descended from a late Paleolithic creole H? yrup However no conclusive evidence excluding some typological features cannot be found to support H? yrup's view Even though Sumerian has no known genealogical relatives some Sumerian vocabulary can be identi ?ed from various languages such as Akkadian and Assyrian and also from their modern relatives e g Arab ? ? ? haykal 'temple' Akk ekallum Sum é gal 'palace' Hebr ? ' ir 'town' Sum iri 'city town' Where the language contacts with Semitic languages are well studied and practically undeniable it becomes more complicated to ?nd convincing evidence on Sumerian language contacts with families located outside Mesopotamia such as Indo- European The key problem is that due to distribution of possible Sumerian loan words in IE languages the contacts must have taken place before the diverging of the Proto-IndoEuropean language PIE which according to the present knowledge took place

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