Tab guide get more from tg by understanding our easy to follow musical terms and signs

Tab Guide Get more from TG by understanding our easy-to-follow musical terms and signs What is tab Tab is short for tablature a notational system used to give detailed information as to where notes should be played on the fretboard Tab appears underneath conventional music notation as six horizontal lines that represent the strings of the guitar from the sixth thick string at the bottom to the ?rst thin string at the top On these lines numbers represent which frets you place your ?ngers For example an A note on the nd fret third string will be shown as a number ? ? on the third line down on the tab Unfretted strings are shown with a ? ? The key and time signatures are shown in the notation TG also includes a timestamp to tell you where in the original track you ? ll ?nd each example and tempo expressed in beats per minute Fret BOXes chOrds scales and caPO nOtatiOn Hand labelling nut and Fretboard i m a c o o oo o o T p cHord example ooo Here are the abbreviations used for each ?nger Fretting hand T This fretbox diagram represents the guitar ? s fretboard exactly as seen in the Picking hand p thumb i index m middle a annular c little ?nger photo This design is used for ease of visualising a fretboard scale or chord quickly capo example CAPO nd FRET ooo capo notation x CAPO nd FRET oo G This diagram represents a G chord The ? o ? s are open strings and a circled number is a fretting hand ?nger A black ? o ? or circled number is the root note here G scale example A G The blue line in the diagram represents a capo ?? for this A chord place it at the nd fret Capos change the fret number ordering Here the original th fret now becomes the rd fret th fret now th fret etc d C Here the chord looks like a C in the tab but the capo on the nd fret raises the pitch to make it a D The nd fret capo ? d notes are shown with a ? ? in the tab as if they were open strings A major scale The fret box diagram illustrates the fret hand ?ngering for the A major scale using black dots for root notes and red dots for other scale tones The photo shows part of the scale being played on the fourth string with the ?rst third and fourth ?ngers Guitar techniques PickinG down and up-picking tremolo picking palm muting pick rake appreggiated cHord The symbols under the tab tell you the ?rst note is to be down-picked and the second note is to be up-picked Each of the four notes are to be alternate-picked down and up-picked very rapidly and continuously Palm-mute by resting the edge of your picking hand palm on the strings near the bridge saddles Drag

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