Teachers guide 1 Phonics Reading A Teacher ? s Guide Level A What is a phonetic approach to Reading A phonetic approach to Reading entails learning the sounds a letter or groups of letters make and then using this knowledge to decode and blend these sound

Phonics Reading A Teacher ? s Guide Level A What is a phonetic approach to Reading A phonetic approach to Reading entails learning the sounds a letter or groups of letters make and then using this knowledge to decode and blend these sounds together to read a word Glossary of Terms Alphabet a set of letters used in writing a language Blend a mixture or to put together Consonant partially a letter representing a speech sound made by or completely blocking the breath stream Consonant Blend a mixture of consonants Digraph single a combination of two letters used to represent a sound Letter an alphabetical symbol Medial of or in the middle Phonetics the science of speech sounds Vowel a letter representing a speech sound made without obstructing the ow of breath N B This glossary is for your information only so you understand what phonetics is all about What terms do the students need to know letter i e what the student writes sound i e what the letters say Now you have the theory How do you apply it Level A In Level B the students are introduced to C ? The single sounds a ?? z in the initial position The letters are introduced in alphabetical order Some letters have two possible sounds e g a c g o The students will learn both sounds How do you ? Introduce a single sound ? Review the sounds ? Complete the pages in the workbook ? Word build How to introduce and teach a single sound in the initial position Ancillary materials Alphabet Cards e g Aa Letter Number Cards e g a b Sound Picture Posters i e full size display posters depicting the sounds of the alphabet and pictures of objects beginning with the sounds Method ? ? ? ? Show the students the alphabet card of the sound you want to introduce e g ? a ? Say the sound ? a ? and encourage the students to repeat the sound after you Explain A a One is a big A and the other is a little a Repeat the sound several times as a class and in groups C ? Refer to the display poster Point to the A a in the top left hand corner What sound is this Repeat as a class ? Point to the apple Can any one tell me what this is Say the word apple as a class ? Explain apple begins with the ? a ? sound The teacher chants ? a ? ? a ? ? a ? apple Encourage the children to repeat this as a class and in groups ? Mirror write the letter a in the air reciting the chant for formation refer to the Chants for Formation document Encourage the students to do likewise ? Chant ? a ? ? a ? ? a ? apple as a class again Talk about apples i e What colour is an apple Do you

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