Uniform guide Klingon Uniform Construction Guide Star Trek The Motion Picture Star Trek The Search for Spock Style Uniform CCONSTRUCTION NOTES The Duty Uniform vest in the ?lms was made from leather dyed grey then bu ?ed to a shiny silver for the ?lm howe

Klingon Uniform Construction Guide Star Trek The Motion Picture Star Trek The Search for Spock Style Uniform CCONSTRUCTION NOTES The Duty Uniform vest in the ?lms was made from leather dyed grey then bu ?ed to a shiny silver for the ?lm however there are numerous fabrics-both natural and man-made-that can adequately substitute for the expensive leather For instance a variety of vinyl leather- look-alike fabric It is easy to work with on most sewing machines and holds its shape startlingly well There are of course many ?ne materials particularly in upholstery fabrics and the ?nal decision of choosing the right one is ultimately left to the decision and pocket book of the costumer The color of the vest is a shiny silver grey which is tarnished through constant wear as well as lack of care by the Klingons This e ?ect can be achieved by using a substance called Rub Bu ? sold nationwide in hobby and craft stores The substance is applied to the material like an oil rubbed in until it dries then bu ?ed for the appropriate shine Rub Bu ? comes in silver gold bronze etc and is very easy to use However ot is suggested to work in small sections until you are fully pro ?cient The shoulder neck and sleeve trims-which should be bu ?ed to a shiny silver-grey-are cut from felt or equivalent material sewn to the vest then hardened by a liquid resin Note if you have friends that are model builders they can show you how to pour and harden the resin otherwise consult with your local craft store The other trims-such as on the gloves and uniformare surgical tubes dyed black and epoxied into place Perhaps the most striking feature of the Klingon uniform is the sharp contrast of the black undergarments against the silver vest and this can easily be achieved with a little patience Black fake fur is cut from the sleeve pattern and sewn into the sleeve holes of the silver vest while vinyl or equivalent material is sewn to the top of high boots as a boot- extender to cover the black duty trousers Additional black trims can be added to the boots and pants to compliment the overall look Note three parallel trims-originating at the bottom of the vest and ending under the bootextender-are sewn ?rst together then to the front crease lines of the trousers One challenge in the uniform's design that Robert Fletcher had di ?culty with was the closure devices He and his crew chose snaps and fasteners but from a practical point of view they are most unreliable when dealing with heavy leathers or vinyls I found velcro sewn to the underside of the yoke and the top of the vest to be ideal for joining the top and bottom halves of the uniform and a zipper hidden in the rear adequate to get the costume onand-o ? However should you wish to use snaps and fasteners use plenty of

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