Video guide 1 VIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE EDUCATOR GUIDE Video Sensing With this guide you can plan and lead a onehour workshop using Scratch Participants will gain experience with coding as they create interactive projects using Video Sensing VIDEO SENS
VIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE EDUCATOR GUIDE Video Sensing With this guide you can plan and lead a onehour workshop using Scratch Participants will gain experience with coding as they create interactive projects using Video Sensing VIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE Workshop Overview Here ? s a suggested agenda for a one-hour workshop IMAGINE minutes First gather as a group to introduce the theme and spark ideas CREATE minutes Next help participants as they make interactive projects working at their own pace SHARE minutes At the end of the session gather together to share and re ect SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu ideas SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu ideas CVIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE Get Ready for the Workshop Use this checklist to prepare for the workshop Preview the Tutorial The Video Sensing tutorial shows participants how to create their own projects Preview the tutorial before your workshop and try the ?rst few steps scratch mit edu tutorials Make sure your computers have built-in cameras Video Sensing uses your computer ? s built-in camera Make sure that participants are using computers with built-in cameras Print the Activity Cards Print a few sets of Video Sensing cards to have available for participants during the workshop scratch mit edu ideas Make sure participants have Scratch accounts Participants can sign up for their own Scratch accounts at scratch mit edu or you can set up student accounts if you have a Teacher Account To request a Teacher Account go to scratch mit edu educators Set up a computer with projector or large monitor You can use a projector to show examples and demonstrate how to get started SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu ideas VIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE Imagine IMAGINE Begin by gathering the participants to introduce the theme and spark ideas for projects Warm-up Activity Invisible Energy Ball Gather the group in a circle Together you must pass an invisible energy ball around the circle acting out the action of passing or throwing the ball The challenge is it is always changing shape size texture and even temperature Model this activity by passing the ball to the ?rst participant Say your name then describe the ball ??I ? m Alex and I ? m passing you a huge energy ball that is slippery like a ?sh ? The next person then acts out how they would catch that huge slippery energy ball introduces themself and describes the energy ball they ? re passing to the next person Encourage participants to transform the ball as much as possible with each turn Provide Ideas and Inspiration To spark ideas watch the Video Sensing tutorial video The video shows a variety of projects to spark ideas and inspiration View the scratch mit edu ideas SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE ? scratch mit edu ideas CVIDEO SENSING EDUCATOR GUIDE Demonstrate the First Steps IMAGINE Demonstrate the ?rst few steps of the tutorial so participants can see how to get started Start a new project in Scratch
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 18, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 31kB