Villes et campagnes 2 concepts a l x27 epreuve de l x27 etalement urbain 1

Document generated on a m Cahiers de géographie du Québec Ville et campagne deux concepts à l ? épreuve de l ? étalement urbain City and countryside Core concepts in the ?ght against urban sprawl La ciudad y el campo dos conceptos sometidos a la prueba de la expansión urbana Guy Mercier and Michel Côté Volume Number April URI https id erudit org iderudit ar DOI https doi org ar See table of contents Publisher s Département de géographie de l ? Université Laval ISSN - print - digital Explore this journal Article abstract Urban sprawl continues unabated in spite of widespread criticism of its impact and strong countermeasures adopted by public authorities Might it not be argued in this context that urban sprawl bene ?ts from the very measures intended to ?ght it That hypothesis far from being ironic could relaunch the debate about the conceptual categories underlying our understanding of the phenomenon ??city countryside urban rural ? Our analysis of the case of the province of Québec would suggest that criticism of urban sprawl presupposes an absolute dichotomy between the city and the countryside while the means used to counter it operate on an entirely di ?erent basis and in fact facilitate the urbanization of the countryside Does this mean that the city and the countryside actually constitute two geographical entities that share common attributes both urban and rural but combine them di ?erently If that is so the challenge for land planners would not simply be to prevent urban sprawl but rather to ensure the best possible urbanization of the countryside Cite this article Mercier G Côté M Ville et campagne deux concepts à l ? épreuve de l ? étalement urbain Cahiers de géographie du Québec ?? https doi org ar Tous droits réservés ? Cahiers de géographie du Québec This document is protected by copyright law Use of the services of Érudit including reproduction is subject to its terms and conditions which can be viewed online https apropos erudit org en users policy-on-use This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit Érudit is a non-pro ?t inter- university consortium of the Université de Montréal Université Laval and the Université du Québec à Montréal Its mission is to promote and disseminate research https www erudit org en CDossier Transformations de ??l ? urbain ?? ? et du ??rural ?? ? et territorialité des sociétés contemporaines Ville et campagne ?? deux concepts à l ? épreuve de l ? étalement urbain City and countryside Core concepts in the ?ght against urban sprawl La ciudad y el campo ?? dos conceptos sometidos a la prueba de la expansión urbana Guy MERCIER et Michel CÔTÉ Département de géographie Université Laval Guy Mercier ggr ulaval ca Cote Mic yahoo ca Résumé Malgré la forte critique qu ? il essuie et les mesures prises à son encontre l ? étalement urbain se poursuit Il y a là un paradoxe qui pourrait signi ?er que l ? étalement urbain tire avantage des

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