Wear guide 1 WEAR An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication and Wear AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS ? Description ? Audience ? Impact Factor ? Abstracting and Indexing ? Editorial Board ? Guide for Authors X
WEAR An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication and Wear AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS ? Description ? Audience ? Impact Factor ? Abstracting and Indexing ? Editorial Board ? Guide for Authors XXX p p p p p p ISSN - DESCRIPTION This international journal is dedicated to the rapid publication of high quality papers on the important subjects of wear and friction together with papers on closely related aspects of lubrication contact phenomena or surface characterization The scope includes all aspects of physics chemistry materials science and mechanical engineering which relate directly to the subjects of wear and friction papers may approach the subject from a fundamental or technological viewpoint Thorough refereeing of all papers in accordance with normal procedures for international journals in science and engineering and with a speci ?c focus on the novelty and sign ?cance of the work presented ensures that Wear is an international forum of high quality for multidisciplinary communications on topics which include ? The fundamental understanding of wear and frictional phenomena including nanometre and atomic scale aspects of tribology ? Interactions between chemical processes e g corrosion and wear and chemical aspects of lubrication e g boundary lubrication ? Design and materials selection for the control of wear and friction ? Tribology of natural biological and arti ?cial implanted materials ? Contact phenomena in the context of friction and wear ? New materials and their tribological behaviour ? Wear and friction in cutting and forming processes ? Lubricants and mechanisms of lubrication in the context of wear and friction control ? Topics in surface physics and chemistry related to wear and friction The following types of manuscripts on all topics within the scope of the journal are welcomed ? Full-length papers containing original research work ? Short Communications giving a complete description of a limited investigation ? Reviews with the prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief AUDIENCE Tribologists and lubrication engineers mechanical engineers production engineers and industrial designers materials scientists in metals polymers and ceramics physicists and chemists in surface analysis AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK Mar www elsevier com locate wear CIMPACT FACTOR ? Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING American Petroleum Institute Abstracts Applied Mechanics Reviews Chemical Abstracts Current Contents Current Technology Index Engineering Index FIZ Karlsruhe Fluid Abstracts INSPEC - Physics Abstracts Metals Abstracts PASCAL CNRS Physikalische Berichte Research Alert Science Citation Index Scopus EDITORIAL BOARD Co-Editors-in-Chief P J Blau Div of Materials Science and Technology Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bethel Valley Road P O Box Oak Ridge TN - USA Email blaupj ornl gov P H Shipway Fac of Engineering University of Nottingham Coates Building University Park Nottingham NG RD UK Email Philip Shipway nottingham ac uk Editor Emeritus D Dowson University of Leeds Leeds UK I M Hutchings University of Cambridge Cambridge UK Editorial Board K Adachi Sendai Japan A T Alpas Windsor ON Canada A W Batchelor Joondalup WA Australia J Bijwe New Delhi India B J Briscoe London UK
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- Publié le Nov 21, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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