Cruising guide 1 Vava'u Ha ? apai Tongatapu Niu Cruising Guide This guide has been put together to provide information for yachts and vessels prior and during their stay in Vava'u I would like to thank the crew of SV Olwen Dean and Trish and SV Cosmos Sun

Vava'u Ha ? apai Tongatapu Niu Cruising Guide This guide has been put together to provide information for yachts and vessels prior and during their stay in Vava'u I would like to thank the crew of SV Olwen Dean and Trish and SV Cosmos Suni and Charlie and SV Passage for their assistance in checking and expanding this guide - if you have ?nd information that is incorrect or missing please email me at shoreassist vavau to Malo Au'Pito thank you very much The guide is now in it ? s eighth revision and expanded information is now available on Ha ? apai Niutoptapu and Tongatapu With one of the most sheltered harbours in the South Paci ?c Vava ? u is home to a large number of charter yachts and with many sheltered coves and bays islands to visit it has a well deserved reputation for great Cruising grounds Ha ? apai is a more technical sailing area due to the sandy bottom Tongatapu is used a lot as a staging area for weather windows down to New Zealand Number of Yachts Tongatapu Vava'u Ha'apai Niua's Total Estimate Emergencies Police or or Hospital or Fire Port Captain ?? Vava ? u Vava'u Emergency Response Association VERA or MRCC or or VHF VHF repeater station - range upto nautical miles from Neiafu General ?? Vava ? u Moorings are all privately owned in the harbour - DO NOT use a mooring without PRIOR approval to use it - you could be inconveniencing the owner Moorings have been laid using NZ charitable funds at anchorages in - they are marked with a yellow or orange mooring ball and are located at anchorages x anchorages x - they are suitable for ft yachts and tonnes maximum A receipted fee of a night to maintain and increase these moorings over time must be made at VTA o ?cer at the Cafe Tropicana Aquarium Cafe Moorings Take care of the reefs - look before you drop your anchor If a VTA mooring is available use it and pay the Fee - help us increase the moorings and rest easier Please don't buy or remove shells from the sea - they are someone's home Please Calso be careful steering through shallow reef systems - save your keel and prop by being cautious ? Check-in and Check-out must be done between the regions in Tonga Tongatapu Haapai Vava'u and Niutoputapu This is very easy to do but remember to do it ?? the ?ne is Speed limit inside the outer marker in the harbour is knots and a WAKE Free Zone - even in a dinghy Watch out for other boats bouys oating obstacles HUMANS A number of incidents happen each year from ramming of boats by dinghys to cutting people o ? Cruiser Weather Guide From May to September southeast trade winds range from - knots During the summer months northeast winds of - knots are the norm Click for Tonga Meteorological Services www met

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  • Publié le Apv 08, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 123.1kB