A quick start guide for the marie machine simulator environment

A Quick Start Guide for the MARIE Machine Simulator Environment MarieSim is a rich graphical machine simulation environment Its features are best appreciated after you have experimented with a simple program or two This guide presents the basic steps required to enter assemble and execute a program Be sure that the Java virtual machine version or later is installed on your machine Visit Sun's Java site java sun com to get a copy Using the Executable JAR File It is not necessary to unpack or unJAR the MARIE machine simulator and its accompanying datapath simulator in order to run them All that you need to do is copy or drag and drop the respective JAR Java archive ?les to any convenient location on your system and double click on the icon to invoke the simulator You may also execute the simulator from the Jar ?le directly using the command java -jar MarieSim jar Using the Uncompressed MARIE Files If you desire to do so you may uuncompress MarieSim jar case sensitive using the command jar xvf MarieSim jar For example if you have uncompressed the MarieSim class ?le in a directory named C marie you must change your classpath to C marie Within a Windows environment you do this by using the SET command set CLASSPATH C marie In a Linux Unix environment the cshrc ?le contains the classpath Check with your system support sta ? if you are unsure as to how to change this ?le The MARIE simulator environment is invoked using the command java MarieSim within the directory that contains the MarieSim class ?le Note This command is case sensitive Note On some machines you may have to also compile the source before the simulator will run properly You do this through the command javac MarieSim java from the source directory where MarieSim java is located Quick Start Steps Start the simulator To invoke MarieSim using the executable JAR ?le simply double click on the MarieSim JAR icon If you've uncompressed the simulator ?les and prefer to run the simulator from a command prompt log into the directory where you have installed MarieSim and type java MarieSim Invoke the code editor MarieSim Quick Start Guide Page CFrom the File menu on the menu bar select Edit as shown in the illustration Enter the program source code Using the editor pop up window type your MARIE assembly instructions The MARIE editor supports basic editing functions such as cut and paste Save the program source code Select Save from the menu bar of the editor The simulator automatically saves the ?le with a mas extension Assemble the program source code Select Assemble from the menu bar If your program contains no errors a message displays at the bottom of the editor telling you that the assembly was successful If your ?le contains errors the assembly listing will pop up on the screen and the message at the bottom of the editor will be highlighted Close the editor Close the

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