Assessment guide 2 NEW SOUTH WALES TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION COMMMISSION STUDENT ASSESSMENT GUIDE - COURSE Course quali ?cation and name TAFE PLUS Statement in Introduction to Sap Business One Financials Course Number Version Course Outcomes What yo

NEW SOUTH WALES TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION COMMMISSION STUDENT ASSESSMENT GUIDE - COURSE Course quali ?cation and name TAFE PLUS Statement in Introduction to Sap Business One Financials Course Number Version Course Outcomes What you must do to complete the course The course structure below shows what you must do to complete this course The units modules are arranged in groups and sometimes also in subgroups You must complete each group as speci ?ed as well as following the course completion instructions If a course contains optional groups there will be a statement at the top of the course indicating how many you must do At the top of any group containing optional subgroups there will be a statement saying how many you must do Group All module units must be completed NSW Module Unit A Module Unit Name Intro to SAP business one ?nancials Nominal Hours Recognition TAFE recognises the skills and knowledge you have gained through previous studies work and life experiences We call this RECOGNITION If you are given recognition for a unit module you do not need to do it In some cases recognition may allow you to complete your course faster If you want to apply for recognition for any unit module in your course you should obtain a copy of the Recognition Guide for that unit module and discuss it with your teacher More about Assessment For information about assessment in TAFE NSW please see Every Student's Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW which is available on the TAFE NSW website at http www tafensw edu au courses about assessment guide htm C NSW TAFE Commission -Aug- C

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