Bancos de pruebas cip 2 Commission Internationale Permanente pour l ? Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives Permanent International Commission for Firearms Testing ??Marking Firearms ? And Council Directive EEC of June Introduction The Permanent Internationa
Commission Internationale Permanente pour l ? Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives Permanent International Commission for Firearms Testing ??Marking Firearms ? And Council Directive EEC of June Introduction The Permanent International Commission for ?rearms testing C I P is a State International Organisation composed of thirteen countries which agree on the reciprocal acceptance of proof-test marks on ?rearms as well as ammunition which has passed the safety test Firearm safety tests were made compulsory at the beginning of the th century and in the various member countries at the times when national proof houses were set up and proof-test marks were introduced This led to the establishment of the Permanent International Commission C I P the scope of which was to guarantee the safety of civilian ?rearms commercial ammunition and all other equipment operating by means of explosive substances Proof-test marks are issued by the respective testing authorities The Permanent International Commission the C I P has been set up to check the activities of the national proof houses and in particular to guarantee the presence in each country of laws and regulations to assure the e ?cient and uniform testing of ?rearms and ammunition ?? which would be con ?rmed by the proof- test marks Technical procedures by which the C I P establishes and updates the various test methods are issued in the form of C I P Decisions and are distributed through diplomatic channels to the supporting countries The C I P Decisions are updated modi ?ed and published every two years CStates and Foundations The member states are as follows Republic of Austria Kingdom of Belgium Republic of Chile Czech Republic Republic of Finland French Republic Federal Republic of Germany United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Republic of Hungary Republic of Italy Russian Federation Slovakian Republic and Kingdom of Spain The CIP Convention has the following major precepts ? There is reciprocal acceptance of each country ? s proof-test marks certifying the identity of the ?rearms and the satisfactory performance of the tests performed in accordance with the pre-set regulations ? Tests are standardised to guarantee safety and their application methods ? At least one state- controlled national Proof House exists in each country ? Every member country enacts a law which makes it compulsory to perform the tests according to the methods limits and procedures established by the Convention The main aims of the C I P are as follows To select test pressure barrels to measure ?ring pressure and de ?ne the measurement procedures for use by o ?cial Proof Houses to determine pressure generated by test cartridges and the commercial cartridges ?red by hunting sport and defensive ?rearms and in machine tools To establish the kinds of procedures to be followed in the o ?cial tests used for ?rearms and machine tools to guarantee every degree of safety To adopt the most modern measuring techniques for the arms and ammunition testing procedures To encourage standardisation of chamber and cartridge dimensions testing
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- Publié le Jan 15, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 39.7kB