Biz guide lb ICDT ? s Member States Business Guides LEBANON I PROFILE Location O ?cial Name Area Population Capital Major cities Langage Currency Climate Main holidays Weekly day o ? Local time Working hours Principle Growth Sectors Variable dates Lebanon
ICDT ? s Member States Business Guides LEBANON I PROFILE Location O ?cial Name Area Population Capital Major cities Langage Currency Climate Main holidays Weekly day o ? Local time Working hours Principle Growth Sectors Variable dates Lebanon is located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea The country is km long and from east to west the distance ranges from to km It is bordered by Syria to the north and east and by Palestine and Israel to the south Republic of Lebanon sq km million inhabitants in Beirut Tarabulus Sayda Zahle and Tyre Arabic is the o ?cial language French and English are widely spoken Lebanese Pound LL US LL The climate varies with altitude The coastal lowlands Are hot and humid in summer becoming mild in winter cool and damp In the mountains snowfalls and rainfalls are heavy in winter January st February th St Maron May st August th Assumption October st November nd National Day December th Good Friday Easter Monday Ascension Of the Prophet Mohamed Ascension of the Christ Eid ul-Fitr Eid-ul-Adha Muharram st Mouloud and Ashoura Saturday- Sunday GMT GMT between June and October Government o ?ces and Business Monday to Thursday ?? From H H to H H H Friday From H H to or to H Banks From to H from Monday to Friday Saturday from h to H Telecommunications Construction Tourism and banking II ECONOMIC SECTORS The main economic sectors of Lebanon are agriculture industry and manufacturing and tourism II AGRICULTURE Only one-third of Lebanon's land is cultivable and the primary agricultural areas are along the coast and the Bekaa Valley Lebanon has for many years been a fruit and vegetable exporter to other Arab states such as Syria Saudi Arabia Jordan Kuwait and Iraq Other crops include olives sugar cane and beet potatoes wheat tobacco and barley The war disrupted agricultural production and the Israeli invasions of and had a devastating e ?ect on cultivation particularly in the south and the Bekaa Valley The ban on Lebanese products to prevent CICDT ? s Member States Business Guides Israeli goods that had ooded the market from entering Arab countries via Lebanon hit the agricultural sector hard In recent years the agricultural export sub sector has performed well due to the depreciation of the Lebanese pound and has accounted for approximately total exports II INDUSTRY AND MANUFACTURING Lebanon's industrial base has traditionally been small scale According to a survey there were over industrial establishments The largest industrial employer was the food processing industries followed by the well- developed textile industries These two industries captured of industrial output furniture and woodworking factories accounted for and mechanical industries accounted for The remainder of industrial production was contributed by cement ceramics pharmaceutical and plastic industries The civil war in icted severe damage on this sector in terms of human and capital resources By one-fourth of the country's productive capacity had been destroyed with - factories closed and those that remained functioning did so
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- Publié le Jul 18, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 71.4kB